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Comment Re: If you've got good signal, digital is better, (Score 1) 192

In Australia the move to digital has meant they could consolidate channel frequencies. Previously we had channels 2, 7, 9, 10, 28 and 31. Now all broadcast happens in the frequencies of channels 6-12. I'm in Brisbane which has been digital only for a while. This means one can get a smaller antenna with better gain as it only listens on a narrower range.

My parents used to receive one station on channel 0 and the rest in UHF. Digital has moved all stations to the same 6 channel UHF block, so they can now take down the old VHF antenna completely.

Comment Re:Daylight Saving Time (Score 1) 545

Australians call it summer time too. Which means AEST is both "Australian Eastern Standard Time" and "Australian Eastern Summer Time" which is really confusing. (Slightly confusing also to the Americans because we are going into summer now; the southern states have just switched to summer time). I'm in Queensland and have scheduled interstate online meetings in "AEST" which means people showing up an hour early or late... Now we make sure we say "Brisbane time" or even "+1000" vs "+1100".

Comment Re:Incapsula (Score 5, Informative) 93

We are an Incapsula customer and I can tell you we were NOT "completely unaffected". We experienced about an hour total of complete down time and several hours of slow response. Our servers were unloaded - no problems when bypassing Incapsula. So I guess they protected us from "that" but in the meantime all sites were unreachable. Though different ISPs had different levels of slowness at different times (trying our two different office connections and three different mobile networks).

Comment Re: How old are you? (Score 1) 236

The drive-in near my house just added a third screen, though I haven't been since. I have no real idea of their projection technology, but the last time I looked it used 35mm film. I'm 32yo also and taken my 3 kids but now the twins are toddlers they won't sit for the entire movie. When they were little they just slept. At least the car limited the annoyance of other viewers, even if we don't get to see the entire thing. Before the kids my wife and I used to reverse our station wagon with a mattress in the back. She'd usually fall alseep! Our current car (a Honda CRV) isn't as big and is full of stuff so we can't do that anymore.

When I was a kid I remember seeing a drive-in screen but even then it was disused. That field is now all houses.

A little unfair that the site don't acknowledge drive-ins outside the US!

Comment Re:What we have here... (Score 1) 329

I was thinking about Apple's "cut". I usually buy iTunes cards from a retail shop when they are on special: often $30 for 2x$20 cards or $40 for a $50 card. Who is eating this "shortfall"? The cards themselves are not free, the shop can't be making a loss, so how much would Apple actually make from these cards? If I then buy an app for $40, the developer gets $28, so there isn't much available in the $2 difference!

Comment Re:Also, what if government changes and cancels NB (Score 1) 385

The Opposition is pretty much opposed to everything the Government does. Then if they get to power, they make tweaks, and if it fails they blame the previous government or if it succeeds it was because of the tweaks. This is true of both sides of politics and most projects.

Who actually wants Tony Abbott as PM anyway? No-one! Don't vote for the LNP!

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