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Comment Peer-To-Peer TV The Answer To Sporting Woes? (Score 1) 321

Streaming is great, but in terms of sport, with the army of lawyers the Premiership/UEFA has, the streams fall down very quickly. There needs to be some sort of viable option in place and it seems that the Powers That Be aren't interested in streaming games for a decent price. Thus we're stuck hoping that P2PTV comes up to scratch quickly.

Comment ASCAP and the PRS do good work (Score 1) 645

It seems as though there's a case here of someone being a little overzealous in the offices that deal with the above area, but these are the companies that most often guarantee that artists [that are smart enough to retain their own publishing] get paid. It's these companies that are in charge of royalty payments so that means songs played on radio, samples used in other songs and music for adverts. Old people living off the dividends of a once flourishing career are grateful for the cheques that these companies send on a regular basis.

Comment Erm... (Score 1) 620

I've never minded the slashes and to be fair just isn't as charismatic. however, that said. and this probably extends beyond his scope. I've always thought that the method in which URI's were written was the wrong way round. I'd like to see it all changed so something along the lines of:

Comment Meh! (Score 2, Informative) 107

This is how the world works, there's little parity between the likes of the US and the UK let alone Oz. It's stupid to complain that another English version of the game has a different number next to the dollar sign signifying a different currency which in the real world runs circles around your own currency.

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