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Comment Re:So everyone charged is guilty? (Score 1) 388

I saw some guy donated $250 towards the cause.

All I meant was that I'd rather spend the $250 on myself, rather than a stranger. $250 would buy my favorite songs over nearly the whole decade, such that I need not fear RIAA.

So bury your head in the sand and everything's gonna be alright, eh? Fat chance - just because you haven't done anything wrong doesn't mean you have a 100% guarantee that you'll never be accused. It's times like these that I remember this important poem by Martin Niemoller: First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak for me.

Unless everyone (including those who aren't being targeted by the RIAA et al.) is willing to speak out in support of those being inappropriately targeted and against such injustices then the bullshit theatre taking place in US courtrooms (and elsewhere slowly but surely) and the industry growing up based on it will simply continue..

Comment The Corporate Plan (Score 1) 334

Step 1: Set prices for CDs at such a high level consumers start to turn to alternative sources

Step 2: Continue to follow out-dated market system into financial hell while suing average people who may/may not have downloaded music and alienating more of their former/potential customer base at the same time

Step 3:???

Step 4: Government Bailout

Step 5: Profit!

We now know EMI's Step 3!! Can't wait to see how the rest of the gang implements it :-)

Comment Re:There is an alternative... (Score 1) 315

Lease the plants, specifically the plant's basements. In an year or two the required payment will more than pay off the costs, proving be quite a substantial investment for everyone. While some will be quick to argue that such an act would leave the subterranean structures flooded with geeks oozing from radiation, the Army will soon discover that it has enough material to bottle up and send straight to Communist Russia.

Damn straight, fuck regulation It's time to let new and innovating industried move in: all hail Tomacco , that which will save us from this Great Recession!!!

See it will help us! Although the tomacco has ruined my spelling and grammar I no longer have the desire to smoke weed... or eat for that matter but who cares?! We can all have tomacco!

Comment Re:There is an alternative... (Score 1) 315

Lease the plants, specifically the plant's basements. In an year or two the required payment will more than pay off the costs, proving be quite a substantial investment for everyone. While some will be quick to argue that such an act would leave the subterranean structures flooded with geeks oozing from radiation, the Army will soon discover that it has enough material to bottle up and send straight to Communist Russia.

Damn straight, fuck regulation It's time to let new and innovating industried move in: all hail Tomacco , that which will save us from this Great Recession!!!

Comment Will a ballot really be that effective? (Score 2, Interesting) 411

But what's stopping MS from simply putting IE as the first choice? Or in the case of Linux whatever the distro's favourite browser choice? While it's a nice idea, Lie seems to forget that a large number of people buy pre-configured systems, and even then there's a good chance they'd pick the first choice offered out of lack of awareness. Unless the organisations behind Opera, Firefox et al can whip up a major advertising campaign rivaling anything MS can pump out it's not as simple as putting a few choices on the screen.

Submission + - ID Scanning Declared Violation of BC Privacy Laws

AnonymousIslander writes: The Information and Privacy Comissioner for the Province of British Columbia, David Loukedelis, has ruled that electronic scanning of driver's licences (and similar forms of ID) as a condition of entering a bar or nightclub is a violation of BC's Personal Information Privacy Act. The decision, while dealing with one specific club, will still have ramifications across the entire province. It is unknown if the nightclub in question will attempt to appeal the decision in court. A similar decision was reached last year in Alberta.

The system in question is known as BarWatch, and has been the target of criticism by many for a number of years. Despite this, a number of bars/nightclubs and restaurants in communities across Canada have installed similar systems, and just days before this decision came down there were calls for the expansion of BarWatch in Victoria to cover restaurants and other establishments serving the post-bar crowds.

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