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Comment Re:Procedural Rhetoric in morally-gray big name ga (Score 1) 57

should read Bogost's book argues that simulation is a form of persuasion, e.g. read it (is less than) hear it (is less than) virtually see someone do it (is less than) virtually do it yourself (is less than) do it yourself. the axiom is that doing something is the best way to persuade your opinion of it.

Comment Procedural Rhetoric in morally-gray big name games (Score 4, Interesting) 57

What do you think of AAA studios exploring more moral grey areas (e.g. hostage shooting airport level in COD:MW2) as a form of procedural rhetoric? Do you think players' natural tendencies of (in this case) non-violence toward innocents is solidified or shaken by simulating such acts?

Comment Careful study by authors who've never met a woman (Score 1, Insightful) 472

I don't buy it.

Women are accepted to have biological tendencies for wider hips, more estrogen, more fat storage in the front-upper-torso region, smaller than males, etc.

Women are mostly accepted to have biological tendencies for more compassion, more communication, etc.

It is controversial to say women have biological tendencies to be less aggressive, less ambitious toward leadership roles, and less attracted to hard science in favor of humanities.

The difference between these three categories is hardly in their level of correlation (p approaches 1 for all of them), but in how PC they are. If it is cultural, as the authors suggest, they have stumbled upon the most effective population control mechanism in history!

(note: paper was slashdotted; i'm going by the summary and having waded through too many of these types of studies before)

Comment Re:Understood. (Score 0, Troll) 495

we can be grouped together because we constitute a market. i know console users pirate a lot of games, and i know that PC piraters most often wouldn't have bought the game even if piracy weren't an option, but the statement "PC users pirate too many games and developing for them doesn't generate enough sales" still stands.

Comment Understood. (Score 2, Interesting) 495

As a former game pirater, I completely understand if a studio wants to abandon the PC platform entirely. The reason great games exist is that there is the potential for enormous financial rewards. Downplaying the financial aspect of this problem is unhelpful. We can't talk eschew greed without badmouthing the engine behind nearly all the great games today.

Epic said the PC is the realm of farmville for a good reason. Ad-based games or simple labors-of-love are the only types of games that can exist when software is pirated over sold at 20:1. I think Steam is our only hope; Valve smartly used the Apple model of making purchasing as easy as pirating, all while lowering prices and keeping up a back-catalog to take advantage of "long tail" sales. Recently, I've bought GTA4, Crysis, Crysis Warhead, Far Cry, Far Cry 2, Bioshock 2 all from Steam because it's cheap, easy, and makes me feel good to support PC gaming.

The PC market stinks right now, but it should get better with Console/PC hardware looking more and more similar, the effects of "iTunes for Games" (Steam), and us PC users growing the F up and acquiring games legally.

Comment It would be easy to jump all over Mexico on this.. (Score 2, Insightful) 370

But what they're going through is really a civil war. And in the US, we took quite a few liberties with civil rights during our civil war.

Will it help? Maybe--it will at least require drug gangs to go to the trouble of stealing cell phones that only have useful lives of a few days

Comment The highest form of Job Searching (Score 1) 182

I was out of work for nearly all of 2009, so I spent my days at a floundering start-up with no expectations of a paycheck. They won because I was able to significantly advance their product development and I won because I got the experience and contacts needed for my current job. For my situation, I'm glad there weren't laws on the books preventing me from 'exploiting' myself.

Submission + - Are taxes pushing tech contractors over the edge?

siphonophore writes: Tax problems pushed an Austin IT contractor into flying his plane into the side of an IRS building. Do more IT contractors feel close to the breaking point?

Worst Censorware Blocks Cannot Be Fixed 420

Slashdot regular Bennett Haselton writes "The ACLU has targeted a group of Tennessee school districts for blocking websites categorized by a blocking company as 'LGBT.' I hope the ACLU wins, but it may create the mistaken impression that egregious overblocking of websites is easy to fix. On the contrary, the vast majority of errors are hard-coded into the products and cannot be fixed by unblocking a single category." Hit that tantalizingly entitled 'Read More' link to read his essay.

February 13th, UNIX Time Will Reach 1234567890 376

mikesd81 writes "Over at Linux Magazine Online, Jon maddog Hall writes that on Friday the 13th, 2009 at 11:31:30pm UTC UNIX time will reach 1,234,567,890. This will be Friday, February 13th at 1831 and 30 seconds EST. Matias Palomec has a perl script you an use to see what time that will be for you: perl -e 'print scalar localtime(1234567890),"\n";' Now, while this is not the UNIX epoch, Alan Cox does assure us that Linux is now working on 64-bit time, and the UNIX epoch 'roll-over' would happen about the time that the sun burnt out."

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