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Submission + - False news from yahoo (

sherms writes: "Yahoo's scoop! How many times has your business suffered because you trusted the wrong person? If you're like most people, you've been lied to thousands of times. Deception hurts in many ways. There's the emotional stress from being betrayed, the loss of self-confidence and the increased suspicion or even paranoia. Not to mention the financial cost. Bull Crap! The ways they list are bogus over approx. 70% of the time. I was a cop for over 20 years and was taught by one the top interrogators in the United States (who interviewed Ted Bundy, and many others). This article is a load of hype. It it completely exaggerated and prejudice. Apparently this person has not had to get a confession out of some one on different med's or drugs. He apparently has never heard of ADD, or OCD. He needs to read Gavin D. Beckers "The gift of Fear". It just sounds like he is trying to make a name for himself since he was with the CIA. I really wish the reporter would have checked a second and third source. I think he would find out his story is very one sided. /b?"

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