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Comment Re:Is there supposed to be only one peak ? (Score 2, Insightful) 138

We might also see another peak if, for some reason, large numbers of people suddenly decide to congregate in a set geographic location like a shopping mall. Or maybe if groups of people gather in a self contained tube for hours at a time. Luckily, I can't imagine any reason for people to do either of these things in at least the next week or so.

Comment SCAM Mode Vs Vivid Mode (Score 1) 619

From my understanding, the power consumption of LCD TVs are calculated based on the maximum power usage. That would be OK if it weren't for the fact that most have this God awful "Vivid" (power draining) setting that seems to be the default. I bought a new 42 inch LCD a couple weeks ago, as soon as something came on with a white background, I looked like a vampire in the sunlight. It was just way to bright. After fiddling with the settings, I found that I get the best picture with the backlight turned down. When I'm watching SD broadcasts, I get the best picture with the backlight turned WAY down. I don't know if others have the same experience, but if most of us are turning our backlights down, it would seem like manufacturers are just shooting themselves in the foot by offering an energy hungry vivid mode that most people don't use.

Comment It Pains me to suggest... (Score 1) 438

3G is really the best you can hope for. It's quick and easy to set up. You don't have to point a dish every time you stop. And you can expect some coverage while you're driving down the the highway.

Now the part I hate to admit. You're best bet for 3G would be with a company called Millenicom. You can get service on either the Sprint or Verizon backbone for 59-69 a month with no contract. The Verizon network will get you a 5Gig cap, people on Sprint are still unlimited, and they have a new unlimited plan with limited coverage.

Comment Re:"Right" to a private cell phone? (Score 1) 232

I do have this 'GPS' thing on my phone with the option to either turn it on for all calls, or turn it off except for 911 calls. Does this mean that 911 can determine my GPS location if I call them? I don't see any way that I can view my lattitude/longitude/elevation from my phone...

If you put your phone in Field Test Mode, you should be able to see your long/lat. Just Google your phone model & "Field Test" and you should find instructions.

Comment You've got to be kidding me... (Score 2, Interesting) 475

Let me say first that I don't spend much time on YouTube, so my answer would definitely be NO.

But I seem to remember back in the Stone Age BG (before Google), some guy from Yahoo was talking about micro payments for search results. Never happened. If YouTube started charging people to view vids, everyone would find another site where they could see a low res vids of monkeys throwing footballs and hitting someone in the crotch.

I mean you can't throw a dead monkey without hitting a free vid site. Charging would be like saying "Move along, nothing to see here..."

Comment If you have no other choice.... (Score 1) 177

Where I live Mobile Broadband and Satellite are my only options. I was a little wary about MBB because of the 5G/month cap, but I found millenicom.com that resells Verizon but doesn't have any stated caps. But I have read that people using over 40G in a month have gotten emails asking them to keep their usage down to 10gig.

The big problem with MBB is that you're connecting to the net through cell towers. So you need to have good reception before you can hope to get any decent speeds. But you're also limited by the capacity of the tower. So even if you have a great signal, you could get crappy speeds if there are a dozen other people fighting for that tower's bandwidth. Most towers will be hooked up to a single T1.

That being said, at my house I get a decent signal - 3 bars Rev A. And I think I'm the only person on my tower. So I get between 1 and 1.5m down. I can watch vids online most of the time without any problem.

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