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Comment Re:Experimental set-up raises a few questions (Score 1) 162

Well, that might be a good explanation for the reason the short legged ants failed to arrive home. However, it doesn't explain why the artificially leg lengthened ants overshot their nest. I mean, if it were you or me, we would have seen our home and stopped, so the ants must really heavily rely on step counting.

But the ants were moved so that they would never actually reach there home. So it makes perfect sence that if the Ant got to where he thought the nest was, and it wasn't there he might carry on further. Thus explaining why he overshot. The stilts being irrelevant.

Comment Re:Unfortunate (Score 1) 800

I may be unusual then, but I still get to a lot of sites by typing the address, whether its because I know the address or I'm guessing based on the company name. I've I know the name of a company then google is usually only a backup for finding the site.
Of course, if the site name is not what I expect then I'll get there in the end with google but it'll take longer.

For me the main difference is the comparitive ease and for lower cost of buying up a whole bunch of domain names, compared with buying up actual land.

Comment Re:Unfortunately, for most people it is (Score 1) 150

This really just goes to show that you are indeed only talking about the game from your own perspective. From my own point of view the levels up to the early 20's were by far the most fun, it was only after that that I found the game started to get a bit boring, and to this day I still enjoy the ealry levels better. So the moral. I guess you just can't please all of the poeple all of the time so we're never going to get a perfect MMO that caters for everyone.

Comment Re:First swine flu, now loose-roaming black holes? (Score 2, Interesting) 254

I'm curious as to what exactly Partially Infinite means?
Just another way of saying: Not infite?
Or its not quite inifite yet, but it will be?
Or does it mean that some of it is infinte but other bits aren't?

Black holes can certainly roam. They are no different from other interstellar bodies in that respect.

Comment Padding doesn't do anything? (Score 2, Interesting) 776

"Despite pillowy-sounding names such as 'MegaBounce', all that cushioning does nothing to reduce impact. Logically, that should be obvious - the impact on your legs from running can be up to 12 times your weight, so it's preposterous to believe a half-inch of rubber is going to make a difference." Hmm. The padding in my bike gear is a lot less than the thinkness of my running shoe soles, yet I'm fairly certain that it is proven to significantly reduce impact forces. Its one thing to say that padding is not a good thing, but to suggest it does nothing seems a bit far fetched.

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