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Comment Re:Huge Waste of Taxpayer Dollars (Score 1) 177

Not to mention that disassembling it will require a VAST amount of money and the market for several stories of detector and superconductors that require a good years installation isn't that great (outside of the academic sphere of influence that the LHC is sitting in). So even though I personally think it is money well spent, if you did take the view that it should be broken down and sold for bits, you wouldn't get much return on your investment. Far better to let it continue on and do what it was designed to do. And of course we could always raise the (same old tired) argument about why not spend our defence budget on the needy and homeless? Why not the media budget? and so forth.

Comment Re:Or... (Score 1) 142

I enjoyed Syndicate Wars ... but that last mission was just unreal.

Syndicate was a proper game and an original one at that, I don't think it has been bettered.

It goes up there in the hallowed hall of fame alongside such giants as System Shock and Chaos.

Comment Re:Science Questions (Score 1) 656

>However, more worrying is that in my work with schools, I've come across all of the above categories of TEACHER. That's a lot more scary. I regularly see kids told off for daring to ask "Why?" or "Why not?" and, yes, some of them are just deliberately being annoying but I've witnessed no end of kids that are shut out of learning because the teacher "needs" to have a chat, text their husband, fill in paperwork, go to lunch, etc.

Unfortunately, all too often it is because the teacher themselves simply doesn't know (or doesn't really know in enough depth or detail)or simply does not possess the skills to explain to the child.

They all fall into a teaching rut, quoting the same old sentences day in and day out, without really thinking or making the kids think.

All too often it is recitation, not teaching. A crying shame but it does keep me in work!

Comment Re:Teach kids to find answers. . . (Score 1) 656

I agree.. to a point.

That is why teaching institutions exist... if it were all a simple matter of "look this up" I would be out of a job.

I have taught (private tuition) for nigh on 15 years and I have been involved in Scouting for many more, in short I spend almost all day every day working with kids of all ages.

Much of the teaching in schools actually resists kids asking questions. With my classes, I "have a go" at them for NOT asking questions. I teach them not to take everything I say at face value, to question, to ask why. But in order to complete that important part of their education I need to explain why, I need to answer their question, or explain why their question doesn't make sense or doesn't have an answer.

It takes children many many years at school (and university) to learn the schools of research and even then it can be difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff without expert knowledge.

Now I have had my fair share of kids that ask why, why, why just to be annoying, but these are easily dealt with. I can bore them back by explaining why, why, why... until it gets to a certain point that is ably demonstrated by something my step daughter and fiance said the other day:

"oh no... quick... stop asking... else I am going to catch his science germs".

Parents who are poorly educated are simply unable to help their kids find answers.

I have had umpteen homeworks handed in that are mere printouts of a webpage. Fine.. nothing wrong with that, in fact I encourage it. But in class the first question I ask them is : "Do you understand this?". The second is: "Can you explain this to me?". If not, I still have a job to do. :)

Comment Re:Not a single mention of MUDs??? (Score 1) 130

Indeed. I can remember whiling away many an hour on MUDs at university... the interaction and vast range of options seemed to really put them apart from the very limited PC games of the day. The great success of things like World of Warcraft today are very firmly based on MUDs, all that WOW has really is some very pretty graphics overlaid on the "interaction stuff in the background". If anything, I would say with some MUDs that there was much more interaction and depth than with modern MMORPGs.

Comment Re:That's why... (Score 1) 268

Yep... it makes very interesting reading when you have a unique identifier with every website/company you have used. I have been "spammed" by hotmail, yahoo, banks, large online retailers and many more. Yet, when you email them and point it out or politely question it, you are entered into the great "lets lead you round the houses and teach your grandma how to suck eggs" routine which invariably leads in flat out denial of the plain facts or a simple and sudden end to communications.

Boy Scouts Ask Open Source Community For Help 973

Lucas123 writes "The Boy Scouts of America are looking to the open-source community for help in building software to use for fundraisers, special events, and other functions, for their more than 121,000 local scout troops. Some open source advocates, who are former Boy Scouts, support the idea, despite a few reservations. According to the article, there are no plans for a scout merit badge in open source — but there has been a merit badge in computers since 1967, 'and it is possible that if the program is successful, it could eventually be used by IT-savvy scouts themselves.'"

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