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Submission + - Voters harassed by RNCC's computer-generated calls

jodaviss writes: In his TalkingPointsMemo blog, Josh Marshall has been covering the 11th-hour efforts of the National Republican Congressional Committee to influence elections by subjecting Democratic and Independent voters in districts with key races to repeated, harassing computer-generated calls — sometimes even in the wee hours. These "robocalls" start out "Here is some important information about Candidate D", as if they are a promotion for the Democratic candidate's campaign. Most people slam the phone down, only to be called back again, and again. Since they think that these calls are coming from the Democrat, voters are being negatively influenced toward that candidate, and Democrats' headquarters are being inundated with calls by voters complaining about the robocalls.

Submission + - OpenSourcing Yourself! Are you Ready?

An anonymous reader writes: We all love and use open source software. We've also heard about open source education, hardware, coke, beer, cell phone, pharmaceuticals, search engine and encyclopedia... But this one takes it one step ahead and invites you to open source yourself to experiment with the open human idea! This may sound crazy and arise privacy concerns but as the author questions, do you still believe in internet privacy in the age of blogs, MySpaces, LinkedIns, Meetups, Flickrs...

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interlard - vt., to intersperse; diversify -- Webster's New World Dictionary Of The American Language
