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Comment Re:Aack! Not on a piano again! (Score 4, Informative) 70

Don't forget a lot of "piano" music we associate with Beethoven and back was written on the harpsichord and organ. The piano didn't exist.

I'll assume you meant "Bach" -- Beethoven certainly played and composed for the piano
(See here

As far as the suitability of playing Bach on a piano (or any other instrument) ... this controversy has been around for awhile. Striving for "historic authenticity" in performance is a relatively recent phenomenon, representing trends in Musicology and research into the construction of period instruments (

Nobody probably thought much of someone releasing a recording of something like the WTC played on piano 50 years ago, but in today's artistic climate, it's regarded as being a bit tasteless, as Bach certainly wrote his contrapuntal keyboard works for the keyboards of his day (be they harpsichord, clavier, or organ).

Comment I'm probably misinformed here... (Score 4, Insightful) 248

But I'm seeing two benefits:

1) If Canonical can get traction with the OEMs, maybe there will be more diversity in the type of hardware available. Might open up the "mobile OS hacking" subculture even further, allowing people to come up with novel, mobile GNU/Linux distributions.

2) Allowing devs to write/ship mobile applications in something other than ObjC (iOS) and Java (Android). I don't think it's possible or viable today, for example, to write a full Python mobile application and ship it. Sure, there are some pet projects out there that will, with some effort, let you kindasorta run things like Perl or Python on Android, but anything other than ObjC/Java are second-class citizens, currently.

Perhaps having Ubuntu begin to carve out even a little space here might help open the market a bit to more interesting and useful approaches to mobile operating systems?

Comment Maybe this is a generational thing... (Score 3, Interesting) 318

But most of the elder wizards of the programming community (at least the ones I know) tend to shy away from the pair programming mentality. Younger folks (especially people in their 20s) don't seem to mind as much.

I wonder if this has something to do with the nature of the people who went into programming 20 years ago (compared to today), or what...?

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