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Comment Re:HL7? (Score 1) 240

The Meaningful Use (MU) requirements that are alluded to in the original post are pushing Continuity of Care Records (CCD) for this type of data exchange. And all the major EMRs and Practice system support some flavor of CCD. Just how much is the question. As it is XML, the CCD is finally a healthcare standard thats useful, in contrast to the not so standard standard of HL7. Epic is bad though about sharing data. Many others are much better.

Comment less and less PC, mostly AV these days (Score 1) 287

i used to have a bunch of servers, gear, KVMs, etc. over the years, i have paired it back more and more.

today i have a synology NAS (killed the loud old dell home server), 7 sonos ZP120s (yes i know they are wireless but these are powering in wall/ceiling/outdoor speakers), UPS, cable box, dvd, tivo (all AV gear is wired to tv flat mounted upstairs), IR extender solution, Yamaha amp, apple mini (used for CLI only), router, switch, wifi AP, etc.

Comment Re:Lame (Score 1) 730

amen to this.
i have had many of the garmin watches, wearing the 610 now
the 610 magnetic connector was a step backwards from the previous clip connectors.
the 610 routinely gets dirty, won't charge, sometimes the charge actually drains the battery, etc.
the case has also started to rust and breakdown.
i still use it and love it but it could be much better
i'm a big fan of smart watches but given the need for an iphone to be paired with it, i'm not sure i will use the iwatch. i'll still likely try it but it sure won't displace my garmin. i can't run with my phone, too damn big.
i was hoping for more from apple

Comment Re:Just the warm-up (Score 1) 48

Even given the current constraints of battery and the never changing constraint of the size of your wrists, there is a lot that can be done.
i have used the last 3 generations of Garmin watches and even those have drastically added features.
they have also gotten much smaller (in the good way, like hey thats a big watch vs. the old ones that looked like a computer strapped on your wrist).
they are also lighter
As mentioned below, NFC will be a huge addition. tap watch to sensor and your off.
i love the GPS of the garmin, tracks speed, elevation, etc, gives a ton of data. also maps it all on google maps so its great to see where you have been. new features include tracking athletic specific stuff like VO2Max, time spent vertical vs. horizontal, recovery time, etc. all good stuff and just the tip of one of the many icebergs of what can be done.
Motorola's device has BT so playing music is sure a possibility.
on the screen usage, again the current garmin devices have a very usable touch screen and apple has sure shown improvements over the years in tap navigation.
maps are also reasonably usable on the motorola device.
needless to say, i'm hopeful the apple device will be a big step forward.

Comment Re:Just buy a CRT (Score 1) 167

i'm literally trying to get rid of a big CRT right now (in boston)
its in my driveway
my neighbor and i moved it from my basement yesterday and we both barely made it. we are both strong, in shape guys but damn this thing is massive
its replaced with a projector that, in comparison, is so small
i got a ton of basement space free by getting rid of this beast
the sad part is that this is a nice tv, end of the crt era, flat screen, great pic, just too damn large.

Comment Re:The WHAT industry? (Score 1) 143

Did you just make up that answer? really, not being snarky...
insurance companies, large AMCs and IHNs, and CMS make up standard fees
ACOs are driving the industry to care teams and they make up treatment plans
you know a "few healthcare workers" quaint
tablets (not in healthcare design industry, i have no idea what that is) in healthcare absolutely make healthcare more efficient when used correctly.
follow a complex order from floor to pharmacy and back and you will immediately see the need for automation
if the slashdot crowd had any idea how inefficient many hospitals are they would be screaming for automation.

all of that said, i really do have no idea what healthcare design industry means. i work in healthcare software. that means what it sounds like.

Comment No jet lag, weekly flights (Score 1) 163

I fly every week, mostly in the states but with still frequent trips to europe, canada, various islands, etc.
i sleep very easily on all flights. frequently asleep before taking off. and in contrast to what others say i find a nice couple glasses of red wine will get me a good solid sleep. the vast majority of the time i'm fine. no jet lag, back at 'em.
15 solid years of full travel though have sure trained me well.
i also find a solid couple hour work out in morning after a flight will get me back on any timezone.

Comment Re:Not a watch (Score 1) 97

"After all, with current technology an always on LCD display on a wrist watch isn't possible. And without always on, it's at a disadvantage to real watches for telling the time. And any touch UI on a watch small enough to look good would be terrible."

This is just wrong. I am currently wearing my third Garmin watch. It includes an always on LCD, the UI is very usable and touch sensitive. Not only is it usable sitting around, its even usable at a full out run. I can navigate the UI while running a reasonably fast marathon. Plus it includes a full GPS and is waterproof. Over the years the watches have shrunk in size, gotten better touch sensitive screens, added wireless connectivity, improved GPS performance, and added color screens.

Comment Re:Apple made the same mistake (Score 2) 390

the DB25 SCSI connection was a disaster. I knew so many people who mixed up non SCSI db25 devices (e.g. iomega zip drives) and killed their chain.
the standard SCSI1 and SCSI2 interfaces used on many unix boxes were much better and were clear that it was SCSI
ahh the bad old days. SCSI was fast but not being able to plug it in/out hot was such a mess.

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