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Comment Re:And when it fails this test too (Score 1) 284


You a) failed linguistics, b) are an idiot and c) just built a huge strawman so you could burn it down. You must be proud of doing it in the kind of forum where, to boot, you will likely find like-minded idiots to applaud the strawman.

You do realize that the german word for woman is not derived from the german word for man, thus making your point even more ridiculous, right? Similarly, german "humankind" is Menschlichkeit, not "Mannlichkeit".

Comment Re:SF: only one impossibility per story (Score 1) 495

Hard Science Fiction is a pretentious myth; it always rests on one thing: the assumption of its day.
Not only do all the authors you mention have stories where part of the future leaves the realm of known science to an extent that is sometimes as bad as Trek's, but where they stuck to what was known in that day, they end up looking incredibly outdated, with Asimov's multiple tons micros and Clarke's typewriting space-goers.

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