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Comment Song of Ice and Fire (Score 1) 641

Does this also include the fantasy series by George R.R. Martin ? Hell what about Shakespeare and other Literature works ? If amazon wants to ban books this way shouldn't they also take this books out of their traditional webshop sortiment as well ? I don't understand why they would do this on the electronic side then sell the traditional book on other , makes no sense.

Comment geo --crap (Score 3, Interesting) 198

As someone who travels from location to location in between different countries, I am sick of this whole "geo" nonsense, and location based services. For example, remember the good old days when you could go to _somewhere.com_ and get that specific service or site in the language you prefer? Nowadays you get whatever X based on your location or better yet on some computer systems based it is based on the locality of the box. More times than most it is hard to get the information you want and can _understand_ especially when you cannot even understand where _what it is you were looking for_ is.
Also TFA:

"The idea is to push information to people."

Also why do all these business and services feel the need to "push" their information or services upon people ? The more they do this the more people start feeling drowned . From reading the article this geo google VP sounds a little out of touch. Would rather "push" everything on everyone the way google sees best.

Comment Re:That's Interesting (Score 0, Offtopic) 159

When I or colleagues at work need to install a Fedora box it has most everything on it for security auditing , penetration , etc etc. That is what we do . Imho this thinking is getting more like the windows side of things. Fedora keeps doing this, if you really need something download from site X install etc etc . Or I will have to personally notify myself of updates in the future instead of yum telling me to do so . Or add repo X install some gpg key since you were talking about trust earlier. (allbeit this will probably just get added in an additional repo) I just fail to see the logic in their reasoning thats all.

Comment money (Score 1) 342

imho its all about the money. Look at things now compared to say 5 or even 10 years ago. Most small companies are bought up by a larger competitor, just to make sure they get there hands on whatever tech it is they are developing. Or another company is sued by another for some copyright or patent infringement just to make a buck. No real new 'big' fish are coming to light with something new cool and innovative, if so very slowly, as the big boys try to make sure they stay on top and squash that competition.

Comment Re:That's Interesting (Score 1, Informative) 159

Try reading the sourceforge page instead. It's not a pen testing tool. It's an exploit tool. this says in the introduction:

"map ("Network Mapper") is a free and open source (license) utility for network exploration or security auditing."

Comment Re:That's Interesting (Score 1) 159

Good job. You have demonstrated your capability to read, cut and paste a sentence from the minutes onto slashdot. Do you also have the capability to explain why you think that sentence is particularly important? Please do.

Was just stating from the minutes one of the argumentations that were posted for adding the package, which I see and view as significant. You implied earlier that I should have read the minutes, which I did. I have to use a Fedora box at work so yes I read them all the time, so I can keep up with the binary distro world.

Since you asked, I feel that is an important argument to the package itself and the boards reasoning as a whole, look at some of the other packages that are provided and what they can be used for. I feel the 'Boards' arguments are rather week and alienating (in the end honestly I do not care. If I need to test some clients database's I will do so regardless of what Fedoras Board thinks which packages should be on my system or not.

Other comments here have stated that certain countries have issues with "tools" provided on computers. Well that maybe, and this sounds like Fedora's Board wanting to cover its ass without thinking about other packages they already provide the distro with from the install DVD that can have similar uses (although technically speaking different but the principals are the same).

Just my 2 cents :)

Comment Re:That's Interesting (Score 0, Offtopic) 159

he reason the Fedora board gave was (and if you had read the link you would know this) is that the nmap is used probably the majority of the time to check if your own ports are open. Of course even a compiler can be used as a penetration tool, so the ability to use something as a penetration tool is not enough to keep it from the distro, which I think you're getting at.

Really, from reading the minutes, I think they basically decided it wasn't useful enough for their user base. You might disagree, but I trust the Fedora board to know what their user base wants more than I trust you.

From reading the minutes:

"Argument for SQLninja to be added to Fedora is that it is a 'penetration testing tool.' "

Comment Re:That's Interesting (Score 1) 159

The difference between tcpdump, nmap, and sqlninja is that tcpdump and nmap have a lot of uses (is my port open?).

Yes of course, but there are also plugins for e.g. nmap that will give you 'recommendations' for _said_ open ports on target which in the end is also a 'penetration tool' which was one of the reasons for not adding this particular package. So how is that so much different ?

Comment Re:LOL @ Censorship tag. (Score 1) 159

I swear, some people really need to read about the concept of censorship. I wasn't aware that Fedora was a government entity, and that they just banned an app from ever being used. Guess what. You can always install this app yourself, if you really want to use it. I'm sure someone wanting a hacking tool can figure out how to install software...

Yeah, the 'Fed' in Fedora just got a whole new meaning.

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