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Comment Re:Something is wrong with this picture. (Score 1) 260

I fully agree with this. I frequently try to hire people and a vast majority of the applicants are abysmal. I filter resumes by looking for evidence of some degree of programming experience. That removes a ton of applicants that just apply for every job they see. Then on the phone interview I ask them to code a CS 101 level problem and almost all of them fail that too. This is when I'm looking for somebody that has the basics and potential to become good. I can't imagine how tough hiring must be when you're looking for more senior level people. I should also note that many of the people failing my interviews have 5+ years of industry experience supposedly.

Comment Re:Who has time? (Score 1) 260

You'd be hiring and firing an awful lot of people if you were hiring purely because they claim to be good. If there's one lesson I've learned from interviewing people it's that most of them don't know their own strengths and weaknesses. Most people either lie about their abilities or don't actually know their own abilities. When I interview people I end up filtering out 90+% of them from a fairly simple coding test. If people aren't taking a chance on you that means you don't interview well or there's something wrong with your resume (depending on where you get filtered out). I think that most "soft" interview questions are completely worthless and I don't even bother asking them. When I interview someone I ask them about their past experience and ask enough questions to make sure they aren't just BSing about things they've worked on. After that they get a coding test that's a simplified version of the work I would expect them to do. I do a more extensive version of this for on site interviews.

Comment Re:Why is this here? (Score 1) 629

I agree with your point but you're creating a false dichotomy. Sure, many people can't think very well. Those same people never seem to think "Hey, I can Google that". Someone with timely, intuitive thinking skills and access to instantaneous knowledge is a winning combination. Based on all evidence I've ever seen, people by and large are smart/stupid in roughly the same amounts pretty consistently throughout history. Most people are average and don't do much to help or hinder progress while a relative few continuously drive forward and fight against the ones actively trying to hold things back.

Comment Re:First purchase (Score 1) 770

An obvious explanation would be selection bias. The ones that didn't listen "back in the day" are dead. You can't ever use an argument of the form "Me and my friends did X and we're fine" because you're obviously fine by the very fact that you survived. The proper way would be to really dig into gun death statistics. I don't have these in front of me and don't have the time to go looking right now. My guess is that the proportion of kids playing with guns today is roughly on par as the proportion in the past.

Comment Re:It's just another tool (Score 1) 198

I wouldn't say that our moving is constant but we have moved twice in the past five years due to job relocation. Arguing that the root of the problem is somebody moving is completely ludicrous. I actually think that the primary cause of the problem is a point that you touched upon: government control. There are numerous stories of doctor's getting screwed because they mistakenly prescribed pain medication to somebody faking symptoms. This creates a culture of fear that causes doctors to be much less trusting. There is also in many cases a failure to address underlying problems. However, when you have an underlying issue and are seeing specialist after specialist to try and resolve that issue you shouldn't be left to suffer because you're unable to find the cause and a doctor is suspicious of your intentions.

I touched on this point elsewhere but most doctors are woefully ill-equipped to deal with strange cases. Their training is great for dealing with common problems but solving anything outside of that is pretty much blind luck. In my experience most doctors seem to have one or two pet theories that they look at before saying "Sorry, nothing I can do. Go see another specialist"

My wife has had a good relationship with a qualified pain specialist in the town we grew up in. After our frustration dealing with doctors in the new places we moved to we ended up driving 4 hours each way to continue visiting that same specialist. Unfortunately that specialist has just retired so we now have to try and find another one which is going to mean starting this horrible process all over again. The "profile" that seems to make doctors suspicious is saying you're in pain and asking for pain medication. If that's the behavior that makes people suspicious then the system is fundamentally broken.

Comment Re:It's just another tool (Score 1) 198

While a lot of your points are valid one issue I have with the medical community in general (at least in the US) is that there is almost a default assumption of malingering. Pain in general is not taken very seriously in my experience and the doctor's seem to assume that you're just a drug addict looking for a fix. This causes severe problems for people that are genuinely in a lot of pain and have shown no tendency to become addicted to pain medication. My wife is a perfect example. Whenever we move to a new area it takes us forever to find a doctor that's willing to continue prescribing her the pain medications that she's been on for years for fears of addiction. She hasn't increased her dosage over time which is what you would expect out of an addict but that evidence is conveniently ignored. There's obviously an underlying cause but no one's been able to help us diagnose that root cause. Until that time it's just cruel to let somebody suffer because you fear that they might become an addict.

Comment Re:It's just another tool (Score 1) 198

I think that tools like this should be great for strange medical cases (the "zebras"). As you mentioned there's too much for a person to keep in their head so the predominant idea is to always go for the more mundane/common causes of an issue. This frequently leads people (like my wife) to suffer for years because specialist after specialist proceeds to think of common causes. If you have something rare/odd you have to stumble across the doctor that happens to be familiar with whatever your rare condition is. A machine could compute a likelihood much more easily and say "Here are the potential conditions". Then it's easy to go down the list and start ruling things out as appropriate.

Comment Re:Ask him (Score 1) 219

That's just messed up. I tend to use those expressions when I'm telling the truth but I don't really want to because it's going to make me look bad to some degree. i.e. "Honestly, I'm not really sure how to solve this problem"

Comment Re:And Your Suggestion? (Score 1) 259

I would argue that the hypothetical 3rd grader in question is correct. As a note I majored in computer science and math and still don't have my multiplication tables memorized. In third grade I simply computed the answers in my head every time and was able to do this quickly. Now I have portions of the multiplication table memorized and compute from there. i.e. for 8x7 I do 8x5 + 8x2

There's absolutely no reason that you need to memorize the multiplication tables. Arithmetic is a small subset of math and most mathematicians suck at it so discounting someone that hasn't memorized a small subset of arithmetic is just stupid.

Comment Re:look past education: the POPULATION is dismal (Score 1) 564

I just want to reply to the portion about math and fractions in particular since I have a great story.

My father-in-law had a friend over and they were talking while he was trying to bake something. The recipe asked for 2/3 of a cup of sugar (Note: exact amount may be incorrect) and he was doubling the recipe. He asked her "Can you measure the sugar out for me? Remember that we're doubling the recipe". To which her reply was "Sorry, i can't do that. I can't do fractions."

The kicker: This woman was a 5th grade teacher

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