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Comment Re:Wut? (Score 1) 253

To be fair, apparently there are these caveats:

1) Once your character is boosted, you'll be thrown into a scenario chain to teach you the higher abilities. You need to pass it to go back into the world.
2) There's still incentive to get your character to 60 first. If you raise a 60+ character to 90, your professions also auto-boost to 600.
3) By the time you can buy this, the level cap will be 100. There's still some leveling to do.

Comment Re:Stop infecting me.. (Score 1) 731

"When it comes to sites that are proactive and actually have an approval process for ads and wrap them up in their own delivery system to avoid spreading malware to their customers, I let the ads through."

Even then, there's no 100% guarantee. Yahoo Ads just last week had an issue with malware-laden ads.

Comment Re:When will he be arrested? (Score 1) 666

The reverse is true too. There was a (locally) famous case in Boston about 15 years back where 2 motorists on I-93 were stopped for "endangerment". They were doing the 55 speed limit when prevailing traffic was about 15-20mph higher. They appealed their tickets and lost.

And for the record, at least in MA, "endangerment" is a more serious offense than "speeding".

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