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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 24 declined, 3 accepted (27 total, 11.11% accepted)


Submission + - Doom on Zune, claims Dvorak

Tibor the Hun writes: In a short ramble, John C. Dvorak gets all upset over Microsoft's review kit for Zune. To quote the eternal troll: If anything is doomed to failure, it is the Microsoft Zune... How about referring to it as a "piece of crap?" cNet also reports that a Best Buy store in San Francisco has already sold 10 of them!
On the day of the big release, it seems that most critics agree: even though it has more space than Nomad, as well as wireless, the Zune is still lame. How about you Taco? It is only fair that you give us your 3 sentence review:)

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