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User Journal

Journal Journal: Merry Fucking New Year

Thanks for the downward mod bomb AC asshole. (Downmods in my own JEs?) It'll take more than that to shut me up though. My purpose here is just to talk about whatever I feel like. ESPECIALLY the less popular views (only on /.) I hold: (George W. Bush is an ass, I like Linux, I don't care for Microsoft's business practices or software, I like GNU, I'm not a liberal but I have liberal views, I am not a "commie" but I believe that there is a point where the right to make a p

User Journal

Journal Journal: Let's talk about music 15

Just some mental noodling about music here:

I really wish I understood why the American music scene is so horribly dead. There are a few acts here or there that are decent, but you really have to dig deep. And as far as an electronica presence goes, we are WAY behind Europe and the UK.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Goal Pt. 2

Not much to say that I didn't say in my post in the Spam Rage replies. Check it out and let me know what you think.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Fascism 12

Interesting bit from



By Dr. Lawrence Britt
Free Inquiry Magazine / Spring 2003

User Journal

Journal Journal: Is Anoymous Coward REALLY anonymous? 3

Of course Slashdot has the ability to ban by IP address if a user's posts get moderated negatively in a short period of time, but how far are they willing to go to reveal the identity of a user? How are they willing to use the IP address info (and possibly user id) to prevent abuse?

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: Some folks have no sense of humor 3

It's depressing to see people who take everything so seriously. Especially on /. I remember way back in the day (1997) with my first /. account, I used to read /. pretty much for the fun interaction that was had by all. There was lots of good natured trolling and plenty of pranks. The people who took everything *SOOOO SERIOUSLY* were just a minority. Of course there were times to take things seriously, but that was pretty infrequent,

Operating Systems

Journal Journal: File Systems and Users 5

I know I'm not the only one who's been thinking about the topic of file systems and computers. But recently I got a pretty good parallel in the real world to compare file systems with and why so many regular users have trouble with computers.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Ann Who? 9

While Ann Coulter may have made a big splash with the morans out there... she hasn't actually done or said anything respectively productive or provocative. Of course that's just my "liberal bias". ;P
User Journal

Journal Journal: Woohoo! I got MODBOMBED!! 3

First of all... I see from my sensors that we have a couple of clueless mods on board. Hello. Hello wherever you are. I just want to make it perfectly clear that you are not at all welcome. I've worked hard to get where I am today, and I'm not about to let some degenerate, humour impaired moderators take that away from me. I've sent out my DDOS henchmen and when they find you, they are going to take you and throw you into the vaccum of real life. No more internet access for you.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Feh! /. ate my last journal entry 4

STUPID FUCKING /. FUCKED ME OVER. I posted a particularly well written JE earlier today that I worked on for a good hour and a half. Well, I clicked the submit button and it APPEARED to work. But it didn't because when I checked back later, it WASN'T HERE!!! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!!! If I ever get inspired to rewrite the whole thing over again, you might see it. But for now, this is a big FUCK YOU to the problems I've been having with /. as of late. Have

User Journal

Journal Journal: Telemarketers (spread the meme) 2

In light of the fact that the Do Not Call list has been successfully delayed, my wife and I have taken a new approach with telemarketers and we'd like to spread the idea around to other folks.

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Pound for pound, the amoeba is the most vicious animal on earth.
