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Comment Re:All of them, huh? (Score 3, Interesting) 157

People escape from Arkham, which is technically a hospital. There are very few escapes from Blackgate, which is the prison. Also, most Batman villains represent an attribute of Batman, which leads to a conflict. Riddler, for instance, is the Batman's intelligence, Two-Face is the Batman's sense of justice. Most of his villains is an equal-opposite which is what makes them significant. Also, the Penguin is awesome. Batman has few villains he can interact with as Batman AND Bruce Wayne. Penguin doesn't use trick umbrellas that often by the way.

Comment Re:digital rights (Score 1) 123

Korean public schools don't reuse textbooks. They are purchased new every year by the students. They're ridiculously cheap, too. They get filled with study notes over the course of the year. (I'm an expat teacher.)

That's interesting. What size are they. When I was in school, my text books where hundreds, approaching a thousand, pages.

Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 1) 398

You consider the lack of a built-in optical drive to be an advantage? Could you explain?

Not everyone uses an internal disc drive. I've long preferred to have that space occupied with something else or just to have a lighter computer. On my current laptop, I've used it exactly once in the past year. Unless you watch DVDs, an external will do.

Comment Re:Responsible? (Score 2) 358

<quote><p>Yep, give the breeders a "way out" of their grief and allow them to keep spawning children knowing that there are people who will take care of their "mistake" so they don't have to.</p></quote>

Irregardless of the reproductive choices of some, all children have the right to love and a chance to thrive. No child is a mistake. Some are victims of circumstances, but never a mistake.

We should be willing to care for children. They have right to be cared for.

Comment Perhapss most CAN'T understand... (Score 1) 473

Video games gratify and glorify violence. Period. When headshots are rewarded with easier challenges and further progression, when there are no options to not kill, when killing gratuitously is a function required to progress a story or an experience, then it can not be argued that games provide positive reinforcement.

In the past year, I've played three games: Gun, Billy Hatcher, and Shadow of the Colossus. In Gun, you can scalp innocents in town and they scream, BEGGING YOU not to do it. In Billy Hatcher, there in practically no violence as even the grunts get away. In Shadow of the Colossus, you have to proactively kill sixteen living creatures which do not bother you for absolutely no net benefit to you as a person, or your character. There are even a couple of instances where the creatures do not fight back.

Needless to say, of the the Billy Hatcher was the most boring and less stimulating of the three, despite it being a great game..

We, the players, have become desensitized to the point that there is no longer cognitive dissonance between the ingame logic which allows or compels me to kill innocents and benefit compared to the real world logic which doesn't allow me to. Instead of saying that it isn't bad, that it isn't real, shouldn't we be asking ourselves how is it that we are unable to recognize it as real in the moment we are doing it.

We've become so far removed from it that games where one does not kill do not sell equally.

Comment Re:Tekkaman Blade (Score 1) 198

So close to close. Aside from this, its great, sole military usage is always short term, especially since there isn't likely to be any significant large scale wars for a long time. It will be great however, to see this trickle down to police or firemen.

Comment Re:They aren't in the same business (Score 1) 596

But Final Cut and Aperture require a Mac, thus selling Hardware. Their entire business structure is based on the selling of Hardware, making the software justify the hardware. The initiative to make Hardware is because of gaps in the market for Microsoft. Had the DC lived on, there'd be no 360, if the world used Zens, D2s, or Karmas more, there would probably be no Zune, and MS would not be significantly worse or better.

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