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Submission + - How good a job did I do? Just "satisfied" isn't good enough.

egburr writes: I've been working in a customer service / tech support role for many years. Initially, we had a survey rating system that made sense. Great ratings were wonderful, good ratings were okay, and even neutral ratings didn't hurt much, while bad ratings were definitely something to worry about. Over time, that changed to a system with five ratings: very satisfied, satisfied, neutral, dissatisfied, and very dissatisfied. The problem is that ONLY a very satisfied rating is good, while everything else is very bad. I never thought much about it other than that it seems to be a very poor system.

Recently, however, I've been noticing many places seem to have adopted that same system, and the customer service people are a lot more blatant about asking for a very satisfied rating with some even telling me how the system works and that if I couldn't give a very satisfied rating they would prefer that I not respond to the survey at all. I used to give accurate assessments when I completed these surveys, but anymore I feel that I have to say "very satisfied" in order to give the person a good rating if I thought they earned better than a "dissatisfied".

So, I've been wondering, who came up with such a stupid system? What does it really tell you about how good a job was done? What can we do to get a more sane rating system implemented? Does anyone out there have a better system in use where you work? Heck, I would even prefer a system with just two ratings (satisfied and dissatisfied) over what we have now.

Comment Re:Ever hear of a "map"? (Score 3, Insightful) 516

There are so many streets out in the area I''m at that either don't have signs or have small, hard-to-find signs (imagine trying to find a sign on a random corner of an intersection of a 4-lane-plus-turn-lanes road and a 2-lane side road, with trees and poor lighting). Often by the time I've found the sign, assuming I even find it at all while making sure I don't hit something, I've gone right through the intersection I was supposed to turn at. I've seen a lot of accidents and close calls caused by people slowing to a crawl coming up on an intersection, presumably trying to find the sign to see what street they've reached, sometimes swerving into the turn lane at the last second. I don't want to be one of those.

For some reason, the DOT out here doesn't seem to have heard of the concept of putting the signs up on the traffic light cross-poles or even putting up signs on multiple corners of a large intersection.

I love my GPS just for that.

It's just an added bonus that I don't have to pull over and pick up the tattered old map to remind myself which tree-named street I want again, and is it the 3rd or 4th turn after the last major intersection that I haven't reached yet, and then is it left-right-right-left or left-right-left-left once I get into the subdivision. It's not because I can't use a map of because I'm lazy, but the GPS is so much easier and a time-saver, that I am able to concentrate more on the driving and not on where I'm trying to go, that I feel it's much safer to use the GPS than to not use it.

Comment give me more evaluation tmie (Score 1) 523

I don't pay $4 for a coffee or a latte; it's not that hard to make my own. I don't like paying $2 for a soft drink at a restaurant when I can buy a full 2-liter bottle for $1.25; often times I choose to stick to water instead, which is probably better anyway.

I don't like paying $1 for an app, because of the insanely short return period. Other than the very basic features, which I should already know about before I buy it, it's hard to figure out I dislike the app until well after the return period is up. If I could have a few days to evaluate it and return it for a full refund if I don't like it, I'd be a lot more willing to spend that $1 up front.

Comment Re:It's a prop! (Score 1) 227

but that's the whole point. Do you really think a bottle of Jack Daniels in a movie really contains Jack Daniaels or even real whiskey? Do you think some guy in a white house set that some other character calls "Mr. President" is really the president or even an actual politician? What makes the "Louis Vuiton" bag so special that the prop has to be an actual LV bag?

Comment It's a prop! (Score 1) 227

It's just a prop. Do props have to be the real thing? Should we sue because the nuclear sub in a movie isn't a real nuclear sub? How about an intergalactic space ship? Maybe we should go back to obvious props like laundry detergent being labeled "SOAP" and soda pop being labeled "COLA" and so on.

Or maybe expand the standard disclaimer "any resemblence to real people or events is uninentional" to add "or objects".

Comment Re:"Lending" something with no cost to reproduce (Score 1) 150

"The cost of reproducing and distributing an ebook is a good approximation of zero so the notion of lending makes a lot less sense."

That's what I would have thought, too, except that the prices of ebooks are typically higher than the physical book in the bookstore down the street. Apparently, that server costs a lot more to maintain than all that paper costs to ship.

Comment Re:first sale doctrine is dead? (Score 1) 150

Yeah. The one 2 blocks from my house is long gone. "Going to the bookstore" has for years been "going to Borders". I know it's gone. I just have to re-train my internal labeling system inside my head. The Barnes & Noble down the street is not nearly as convenient, and I don't go nearly as often. It's just as easy to visit the used book store a few miles away as it is to visit B&N.

Comment Re:Stupid (Score 1) 150

I don't think it's so dumb. Why should I buy a book that's permanently attached to me if I only expect to read it one time? Maybe if I like it enough and want to re-read it, I'll go buy it. A good book will be permanently mine, while a lesser book will be returned.

It's easy enough to pirate ebooks already. Amazon makes it easy to buy books, and soon borrow them, so there is little incentive to pirate them. I agree that a nice organized ebook store can be better than piracy. However, many ebooks currently are priced higher than the same physical book; this does not do much to encourage the purchase of the ebook.

A lending library for ebooks will at least let you decide if the book is worth purchasing before you are committed to a non-refundable purchase.

Comment first sale doctrine is dead? (Score 1) 150

I'm still waiting for the used ebook market to claw it's way to life. Unfortunately, it seems as if the first sale doctrine has been derailed by DRM to become the only sale doctrine.

I love my kindle, but I am reluctant to buy new books unless I am absolutely sure I will like them. At Borders (I guess Barnes & Noble now) I flip through the book, which I can to a limited extent with Amazon. However, with ebooks, I can not take a stack of finished books to the used book store and sell them for a fraction of the cost, and then buy more used books at half the original price. What really bugs me, though, is that the ebooks are often priced higher than the ones in Borders! As much as I like my knidle, I'm still more inclined to browse the used book store than to buy new ebooks.

One good thing from this is that I've been re-reading a bunch of the classics lately, since they're all free.

Comment Re:+1 for SUV bashing (Score 1) 263

Check out the rates for:
4-door sedan vs. 4-door sedan
4-door sedan vs. SUV

From what I've read over the years, sedan vs. sedan is a lot less dangerous than SUV vs. SUV. Unfortunately, the sedan vs. SUV makes people think SUVs are safer. As the numbers of SUVs out there keep growing, SUV vs. SUV is getting more and more common. So overall, the danger is growing, and the people in the sedans get to suffer for it.

Comment Re:Giant SUV's (Score 1) 263

The insurance don't bear the bulk of those costs. Any "cost" they have to pay out is reflected in a rate increase for everyone else. They never lose. Insurance is one of the biggest scams around. When you pay for insurance, you are essentially placing a bet that you will have an accident. If you don't have an accident, you lose and are out that month's wager. If you do have an accident, you "win" and recover most (but never all) of the costs of dealing with the accident.

The insurance just lets you spread out the cost of the accident across months/years ahead of time, so that when it does eventually occur you're not hit with an unbearable giant debt.

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