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Comment Re:Lies, damned lies, and money. (Score 1) 296

If I could be a professional musician I guess I could be one of those professional Game Players! Well, neither one of those will happen. If I "have" to do something, then that takes the fun out of it for me. As for brain activity, they can see changes in the way the brain functions using PET scans (or whatever the acronym is) when the person is engaging in the activity or abstaining from it. There is a big difference between gaining pleasure from an activity (or lack of pleasure when abstaining from the activity) and abnormal brain functionality due to the abstaining from the activity. My brain may show pleasure when I engage in the activity and return to normal when I cease. But if my brain does not return to normal when I am not engaging in the activity, then I believe that points to a serious issue with that activity. Thank you for replying to my post!

Comment Re:Lies, damned lies, and money. (Score 1) 296

Can you back this up with some scientific data? Do people's brains act differently when they don't get a chance to take their country walk? I enjoy playing my guitar in the evening. However, for certain periods of time I have other obligations that interfere with that enjoyment. I don't blow off these obligations in order to play my guitar. But I do sometimes put off doing various chores in order to get in a couple games of COD4. Even though I've played so much I sometimes hate it. I still come back to it. That to me is a definition of an addiction. There is a point where enjoyment becomes dependency. For some reasons gaming draws this out. Perhaps it is the combination of visual stimulus along with the competition involved against the game or other players.

Comment Re:Have the bugs been fixed on the old one yet? (Score 1) 254

In replying to my own reply, I just wanted to ask people; do you remember where games were so buggy you could never even finish them? I remember playing on my C64 and basically having the game lock up or just crash at a certain point. I'd think how the hell could anyone ever have tested this all the way through? Then you'd have to wait and see if they re-issued a new version you picked up at Babbages. The good thing was that you could play a game all the way through and if you thought it was lame you could return it and trade it in for a new game. I guess that was our version of software piracy.

Comment Re:Have the bugs been fixed on the old one yet? (Score 1) 254

There were very few "bugs" that I found. A couple times I got stuck in rubble and had to reload my game in order to continue. But there was never a point where I "had" to do something which was impossible to accomplish. Such as a door that wouldn't open but you had to get inside. The only quest I just got pissed off about and read up on was Tranquility Lane. It is a required quest and the puzzle you had to solve in one of the houses was just a p.i.t.a. It's not that I didn't understand but the combination of actions needed left me thinking "no way". I'd give "Fallout 3" 9.5 out of 10 in worth of money spent. The number of quests, the depth, the size of the "universe" where all way up there. The only thing I really disliked was the scroll bar for the bartering and the talking. It was so small it was difficult to even use. Plus you always had to scroll to the bottom to exit the dialog so you had to dick with it every time you talked to someone.

Comment Re:The Only Change You Can Believe In (Score 1) 788

Seems to me the war went pretty well. Violence is down. Free elections held. No more sons kidnapping, raping, torturing and killing innocents. Saddam not threatening neighbors. People point to the number of Iraqis who died. While it is true, how many lived in fear of their lives for all of their lives. Also take into consideration the 800,000 Rwandans who died while the U.N. stood by and watched. Supposively they were in charge of dealing with Iraq.

Comment Re:Almost sad (Score 1) 293

I agree. Journalism will turn to propaganda for either of the two main parties with a solid, but muted independent voice. We can already see this in broadcast news as CNN, MSNBC battle with Fox for who can spin the best. I fear news will become only blogging posts provided by people espousing their own rhetoric in the guise of news.

Comment Talk is great (Score 1) 705

but action is where things get done. As a lot of people have said, no one is going to give up nuclear weapons. Especially those smaller countries that cannot support a standing army/navy/air force of any size to defeat invaders. Prez. Obama is trying to make nice with other countries and get people liking America again. While that is a nice and worthy goal the last time anyone liked us was when we sent thousands to their deaths helping defeat their enemies. Other countries, Europe included, will continue to do what is in their best interest and allow Obama to weaken America's power around the globe. Whether that is a good thing or not is yet to be seen. But while the invasion of Iraq is roundly seen as a mistake at least there are signs of previous enemies working together for the whole country. All the U.N. talk and sanctions did nothing in post-Invasion Iraq, nor in Rawanda and it isn't doing anything about the massacres going on in Sudan and other areas of Africa. Talk is cheap and accomplishes little. Taking action along with responsibility is what drives "real change". Thanks for reading.

Comment You mean? (Score 1) 330

I really don't know all those people? I was wondering what warranted my sudden rise in popularity. Well, since I have you hear, would you be interested in hearing about our online electronics store?

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