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Comment Re:getting myself a glass of iced tea (Score 1) 605

IANAL but it is my understanding that I can bring suit in my state against a party in another state unless I have agreed to a previously decided jurisdiction. I live in TX, you live in WA... I do not have to go to WA to sue you. It would seem to follow that the judge in TX would have the ability to issue a "cease-and-desist" type order to parties involved.

OTOH, the order as presented in the media seems excessive and over-reaching. The desired goal of protecting the copyrighted document could have been easily achieved with a very limited, specific order.

Comment Not News... Just A Very Old Story Here.... (Score 1) 347

See this 2005 story from the BBC: or this rehash of the story from 2008: or the Wikipedia article:

Not News, Not Necessarily for Nerds, Nothing We Need.

Move along, nothing to see here.

Comment Can't Ray trace??? (Score 1) 534

I am not a graphics expert and so am probably off base here, but can't one take a still from the video feed and ray trace back to the camera? If so could they not do this repeatedly to determine reasonably close to the camera's actual position?

Why would they even need ray tracing if they have the live feed and multiple competent sets of eyeballs? I am not a pilot either, but I can certainly recognize the general areas of my home region from the traffic congestion video feeds from the rush hour helicopters. (Well I could before they stopped flying thanks to high fuel costs and low crowd source costs for traffic reporting!) Are we to assume they are not capable of this?

Comment Which part of he is the boss eludes you? (Score 1) 1019

The boss wants you to work a certain way. The boss pays you to do this. You don't want to work the way the boss wants, leave! No problem. As another poster pointed out, you are a commodity element in the computational environment. Act like one; if the boss (or other aspect of work) should fash you then vote with your feet.


Google-Microsoft Crossfire Will Hit Consumers 336

theodp writes "Newsweek's Dan Lyons doesn't know who will be the winner in Google and Microsoft's search battle, but that's not stopping him from picking a loser — consumers. As we head towards a world where some devices may be free or really cheap, consumers should prepare to be bombarded by ads or pay a premium to escape them. 'The sad truth is that Google and Microsoft care less about making cool products than they do about hurting each other,' concludes Lyons. 'Their fighting has little to do with helping customers and a lot to do with helping themselves to a bigger slice of the money we all spend to buy computers and surf the Internet. Microsoft wants to ruin Google's search business. Google wants to ruin Microsoft's OS business. At the end of the day, they both seem like overgrown nerdy schoolboys fighting over each other's toys.'"

Comment Re:Useful IT Books for Prisoners are (Score 1) 257

At the institutional level prejudices put in place (loss of voting privilege, employment restrictions, etc.) may be removed immediately upon release, after a period of supervision, after compensating fees have been paid, some combination of these, or perhaps never. It varies widely from state to state and also is dependent on the nature of the offense. At the societal level most people are not concerned about what a person may have done in their past, provided the offense was not too horrible or given a knowledge of the person as a human before learning of their criminal past. It has been my experience that a criminal record in the USA is one of the most socially devastating things that can occur in your life as a citizen her.

Comment Useful IT Books for Prisoners are (Score 1) 257

manuals that cover concepts and algorithms. Programming references, language specific and generic, as well as analysis and design texts. Books with plenty of illustrations and diagrams as most prisoners will not have access to actual equipment they can open and tinker with. Having been there and done that I can say with great authority that there is very little job market in the USA for an ex-convict in the IT industry. This changes from generally true to absolutely true the higher in the organizational infrastructure you rise because of the fallout from 9-11 and the war on terror.

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Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes, and not rather a new wearer of clothes. -- Henry David Thoreau
