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Comment Knee Jerk (Score 4, Informative) 130

Wow there are a lot of people freaking out they are using HIV for this.

Um, relax, they didn't give the girl HIV, they re-engineered the virus into something new. The virus doesn't replicate in the to host. T-cells removed from the host are exposed to the engineered HIV. The engineered HIV then changes the DNA in the T-cells to allow it to attack cancerous B-cells. The T-cells are then re-injected and do their work. The T-cells continue to replicate, but the engineered HIV is not actually introduced into the body.

Comment Ha (Score 4, Funny) 137

For Asians, the Koreans can out drink them all, but as a big white guy trying to wash down god knows what food was put in front of me, I literally drank them under the table. You see, its impolite to pour your own drink, if you want some, you fill some other persons glass and they fill yours. The food was terrible, and I did not want to be impolite and not eat it, so with every bite came a sip. It got to the point there some of the people at the business dinner could not get up out of their chairs.

I was told at the end of the night, "You drink very well!"

Comment Re:99% of CS grads are Software Engineers (Score 1) 322

Thats the problem. The market needs Software Engineers that were trained as Software Engineers, not Software Engineers trained as Scientists. The why both approach and solve problems are completely different. I'm not saying CS people can't solve problems, but its the SE that know what problems the solutions create.

Comment I'm not sure (Score 1) 322

I think the difference should be similar to a physicist and a engineer. When the engineer specializes in practical application of the science, and the physicist researches the science.

A computer scientist researches and develops sorting algorithms. A software engineer knows which one to use when.

Comment Re:Taxes (Score 2) 293

A salary is not the only way to take income in as an S-Corp. Yes, you do have to take a salary, and pay income and FICA, but you can also take profit distributions that don't have FICA. You can also pay your salary once a year to reduce the paperwork.

But compared to a 1099 there are way more filings. Federal, State, and Local for personal and business, for taxes, unemployment, FICA. Most are quarterly. So yea, I do know what I'm talking about.

Your right, you don't need an accountant, but if you screw up a filling your going to be dealing with the tax problems forever.

Comment Taxes (Score 4, Informative) 293

I'm an S-corp and there are huge benefits in tax write offs compared to filing as a 1099, but filing as an S-corp sucks, an you will need an accountant. I would go to an S-corp as soon as you think you are making enough to pay and accountant about $1k a year or are buying or spending good money on anything that could be considered work related, i.e. computers, cell phones, car expenses.
You may just want to consult an accountant on the decision as they can tell you the exact benefits after looking at your situation.

The Courts

Samsung: Apple Stole the iPad's Design From Univ of Missouri Professor 362

TheBoat writes with a bit from BGR on the Apple vs Samsung case: "We're starting to see a theme develop here. Now that it's Samsung's turn to present its case in the San Jose, California patent trial that regularly has the tech media abuzz, the company is taking an interesting approach. Rather than start out by arguing that its various Android smartphones and tablets do not copy Apple's designs or infringe on its patents, Samsung is arguing that Apple's IP is invalid to begin with. On Monday, Samsung argued that Apple's pinch-to-zoom patent was stolen from Mitsubishi's old Diamond Touch and on Tuesday evening, Samsung made a similar argument regarding the design of Apple's iPad. Samsung on Tuesday presented the jury with videotaped testimony from Roger Fidler, head of the digital publishing program at the University of Missouri. In his testimony, Fidler stated that he began work on a tablet design in 1981. 'Apple personnel were exposed to my tablet ideas and prototypes,' he testified, adding that Apple staff saw his designs in the mid-1990s."

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