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MySQL Ends Enterprise Server Source Tarballs 413

vboulytchev writes "The folks at MySQL has quietly announced that it will no longer be distributing the MySQL Enterprise Server source as a tarball. It's been about a year since the split between the paid and free versions of the database project. The Enterprise Server code is still under the GNU General Public License (GPL), and as a result MySQL appears to be making it harder for non-customers to access the source code. 'One of the things that many users worry about is whether they're getting an inferior version of MySQL by using the Community version. Urlocker says that MySQL "wants to make sure the Community version is rock solid," but admitted that the company has introduced features into the Community edition of the software that "[weren't] as robust as we thought, and created some instabilities." Because of that, the company is revising its policies about when features go into the Community releases.'" Update: 08/10 04:56 GMT by CN :While it is slightly harder to get, the source isn't closed by any means, so I updated the title to reflect that.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Hilarious post re: the beige IT section theme...

Re:Old News Indeed (Score:5, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on 09:39 PM -- Tuesday July 27 2004 (#9818444)

I dunno, it's kind of an achievement, "Radioactive Beige". Until now, no color scheme had ever acheived simultaneous DayGlo and Drab. By rights, it just shouldn't be possible. Yet there it is, making my eyes scream and my ears bleed. BEIGE BEIGE BEIGE BEIGE BEIGE.

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