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Submission + - South Korea Still Paying The Price For Embracing Internet Explorer A Decade Ago (techdirt.com)

TheGift73 writes: "The problems of monopolies arising through network effects, and the negative effects of the lock-in that results, are familiar enough. But it's rare to come across an entire nation suffering the consequences of both quite so clearly as South Korea, which finds itself in this situation thanks to a really unfortunate decision made by its government some years back:

"At the end of the 1990s, Korea developed its own encryption technology, SEED, with the aim of securing e-commerce. Users must supply a digital certificate, protected by a personal password, for any online transaction in order to prove their identity. For Web sites to be able to verify the certificates, the technology requires users to install a Microsoft ActiveX plug-in.""

Comment Re:You can't go c but you can go faster (Score 1) 315

Tachyons and neutrinos could well be the same thing or one a subset of the other. c is the speed of /light/, as in the speed of another type of sub-atomic particle - the photon. Assuming photons and neutrinos are not the same particle, has anyone measured whether these particles have a difference in mass? Could the neutrino in fact be smaller in mass/size/whatever, and thus able to travel faster through the test medium?

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