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Comment awesome (Score 1) 32

This is the craziest period in history ever. Everything technological is getting way faster and way cheaper ALL the time. I look forward to the day where I'll have a free, unthrottled and provided-by-the-city 1 terabit internet connection. Must...avoid...typical 2008 cloud computing joke......ahhhh

Submission + - Yahoo will axe 10% of its global workforce (

bikehorn writes: Facing a 64% profit slump vs. last year's third quarter, Yahoo is looking everywhere it can for ways to slash costs. As part of the latest band-aid solution, 1,500 jobs will be cut. That $47.5bn Microsoft buyout deal doesn't look like such a bad idea anymore does it?

Motorola To Hire 300 Android Developers 88

ruphus13 writes "Google's Android is starting to see more industry support. Motorola recently announced plans, despite hardships within the company, to hire 300 Android developers. Quoting: 'A quick search of Motorola's job openings suggests that, indeed, Android is set to become a permanent fixture at Motorola, which has long built Linux-based phones but hitherto used MontaVista's Mobilinux. The goal? Move from an internal development pool of 50 Android-savvy developers to 350. Motorola, recognizing that most developers won't have deep experience with Google Android, is looking for a somewhat general skillset ... Java and Google Android programming experience is listed as 'highly desirable,' but not required.'" T-Mobile has already made plans to use Android as well. Xconomy has a related interview with a member of the MIT team that won a $275,000 prize in the Android Developer Challenge by creating an application to automatically modify a phone's settings depending on its location, which they say "wouldn't even be possible on an iPhone." We've previously discussed the Challenge itself and some of the other winning apps.

Apple Censors App Store Rejection Notices 477

isBandGeek() writes "After a few reasonable App Store bans, such as the ones on I Am Rich and NetShare, developers started complaining about excessive restrictions on applications like Podcaster and MailWrangler, supposedly because they provided 'duplicate functionality.' In response, Apple rubbed salt in their wounds by slapping non-disclosure agreements on application rejection notices. Now developers are not even allowed to tell their fanbase that Apple decided to withhold approval for an application. Is Apple confident that Google's open platform Android won't be much of a threat?"

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