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Comment Re:Ubuntu this and Ubuntu that (Score 1) 71

I see nothing wrong with developers targeting a stable and popular distribution. Linux is Linux, and once it runs on Ubuntu, any who are interested can make it run on other distos.

After all, a common reason developers used to give for not developing for Linux was the vast number of competing distros they'd have to deal with (tweaking their program such that it was able to run on each one, and each one had a different set of default libraries, configurations, media locations, etc...). That argument has all but disappeared now that Ubuntu has emerged as the "common face of Linux",

Comment Re:flip flop flip? (Score 2) 449

If Republicans were slightly less corrupt and incompetent, they could have mopped the floor with Obama this year.

Yep, I think it's a real shame, even though I voted for Obama. Hopefully one day the Republican party will come back to its senses and pick an actual Republican as its presidential candidate, instead of the batch of crazed neocons we've been getting from them for over two decades.

Comment Re:I liked Apple... (Score 3, Insightful) 347

Translation: I didn't do my due diligence by verifying that the upgrade would allow me to run my business in the way that I've been running it.

Huh. I typically expect new versions of programs to add functionality, not arbitrarily remove it. Or is it considered common practice now before updating to go over a checklist of every feature of every app you use, to make sure it hasn't disappeared?

Do you check to make sure each update to the iPhone still lets you make calls?

Comment Re:Sports and political talk (Score 2) 376

The ONLY reason I got into watching (American) football was because my MythTV setup allowed me to skip the commercials. Without commercials and delays, football is exciting. With commercials, plus the tedious announcers and the multitude of delays between every down, the game just drags on way too long.

ESPN should be frightened, because I doubt this is limited to a single sport: It's simply not worth watching a sport on TV anymore without the ability to skip the commercials and the boring bits.

Comment Re:Unstable? (Score 1) 130

Indeed, I doubt a human in free-fall would feel a thing when crossing the event horizon of a supermassive black hole, it's the little ones you have to watch out for.

Well, yes, that too. The bigger reason a human would never feel a thing when crossing the event horizon is that the neurons in his brain that were closer to the black hole would be unable to send signals to the neurons further away.

Comment Re:Then I've evolved to not buy EA games... (Score 3, Insightful) 274

I would love to play, for instance, StarCraft 2 against people of my own social circle. Unfortunately, none of them are in the least interested in playing. (I used to regularly play WarCraft 2 with a group of my high school friends, but they have since all gone off who knows where, and we didn't really keep in touch at all.)

Thus, I play on the ladder, against people I don't know, and try my best to improve my skill that way.

Dan Aris

I really dislike ladder-style multiplayer: you're always playing to win and advance to more difficult opponents, and after a point that just stops being fun. Whereas, when playing with my friends, we can do fun stuff like "everybody build up for 10 minutes, then our armies face off in the middle of the map".

Similarly, when I played Halo 2 on XBox Live against strangers, I became too experienced. After a while, I was so much better than my friends that playing the game with them stopped being fun for anyone.

Comment Re:WoW, a REAL idiot! (Score 1) 475

Ah, WoW, afaik, still has the largest userbase of any MMO, or very near the largest. There's lots of smaller games that survive and even thrive on the freemium model. I don't think Blizzard has anything to fear from going F2P if they haven't already. As you said, they would be better suited to make it up in bulk.

I'd add "and talk to Valve about how Team Fortress 2 is doing if you're still not sure", but I don't think the folks at Valve would be able to hear you. Not over the sound of all that money pouring in.

Comment Re:640K years (Score 1) 813

I'd like to live forever I think..or at least...have my choice in when I go....

If the vampire thing worked, and I could live forever the way I am now...age, looks..etc...I'd do it.

Not even the Universe will live forever. Consider what living forever actually means in that context: you have a relatively brief period of activity here on Earth and (eventually) in space, followed by an infinite amount of time floating through an infinitely large, absolute-zero temperature, absolutely dark and empty void.
And if an infinity trapped in the ultimate sensory deprivation chamber weren't enough, odds are good that at some earlier point you will have fallen into a black hole, and experienced what being crushed by a gravitational singularity for 15 trillion years feels like.

Comment Re:At what power are they going to send the neutri (Score 2) 275

Not to mention, neutrinos created won't have any specific frequency like with radio and other wireless communications. That means no easy way to filter out everyone else's noise to get your signal. If neutrino communication actually works, it'll be interesting to see what happens when the level of communications hits the "fifty wireless routers in an apartment building" point.

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