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Comment Re:dear libertarians and tea baggers: (Score 0) 2044

I just don't know whether to sit on the fence or stand on one side or the other on this one. I worked with a Canadian for a while and he told tales of the nightmare that Canadian health care is. To hear him tell it....socialized heath care is everything but good heath care.

Comment Re:I guess that Google knows what's best for us. (Score 1) 72

regardless of my syntax..?

That's not exactly how I interpreted it. I took it to mean that the news would be dished to me (along with adverts) because of what I had searched for before. Since I work in IT, that means I would get nothing but IT news when I log in at work & at home? Sorry, but I have a little trouble with force feeding. I don't have a Speedy Rewards card or any thing of the type. They are just used to find a subject that advertisers think they might make money from me. I send junk mail back to the sender in their own prepaid envelope (I'm tired of paying the trashman to haul it off). I'm also an old fart with 6 Grand kids and a GG Kid. I like my privacy and have a problem with the "Internet is everything generation". Seems a strange contradiction for an IT guy but, isn't life just a strange contradiction? :)

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