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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 4 declined, 1 accepted (5 total, 20.00% accepted)

The Internet

Submission + - Wengo releases a Flash softphone for webpages

bolsh writes: "Wengo, a company specialising in VoIP and instant messaging, and patron of the OpenWengo project (previously featured in Free Software magazine and here on Slashdot, has just released WengoVisio — a flash softphone that you can download and embed in your web page, to allow readers to call you when you're available through their browser, without downloading any software (disclaimer: I work for Wengo, on the OpenWengo project). It's pretty cool — it's functionally cut down from the full Wengophone, but it's enough to be able to make a phone call in a web page for the first time."

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