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Oracle, Google Move To Streamline Java Suit 49

itwbennett writes "Google and Oracle each submitted proposals on Friday to reduce the number of claims in their Java patent infringement lawsuit, which could help bring the case to a speedier conclusion. Earlier this month, lawyers for the two companies gave Judge William Alsup of the US District Court in San Francisco a crash course in Java to prepare him for a claim construction conference."

Comment Use smarthost mode (Score 1) 459

Most mail server software is capable of routing the outbound mail through the isp's mail server in such a way that it gets listed as the origin. You get to keep running your mail server, but the spam labelling and port blocking issues all go away.

The only time this is an issue is if the isp's mail servers do some kind of filtering or mangling, but most of the ones I've dealt with don't

Comment Re:You can't just count packages and draw conclusi (Score 1) 345

debian has a package called popularity-contest, which it asks to install when you do a new debian install. from the package description:

Description: Vote for your favourite packages automatically
  The popularity-contest package sets up a cron job that will
  periodically anonymously submit to the Debian developers
  statistics about the most used Debian packages on this system.
  This information helps Debian making decisions such as which packages
  should go on the first CD. It also lets Debian improve future versions
  of the distribution so that the most popular packages are the ones which
  are installed automatically for new users.

Comment Re:Technicalities of specs, vs reality (Score 1) 484

Well, if my phone is in a purse or backpack, and I'm outside, the phone isn't going to get much benefit from body heat...

Even in my personal case - I carry my phone in the cargo pocket of my pants most of the time - so I'm sure it gets some body heat, but it's certainly cold to the touch when I come inside with it.

Comment Technicalities of specs, vs reality (Score 1) 484

1)Apple sells this phone in northerly climates (Canada for one)

2)Apple specs that it can be (when turned off) in environments down to -20 Celsius

3)I don't think anyone will argue with me that the nominal purpose of a cell phone, is as a communication device that a person CAN CARRY AROUND WITH THEM.

Combining these 3 facts, I think a reasonable person would conclude that they can take the phone in and out of the house with them when it is warmer than -20 C outside.

Thus, It seems reasonable that the warranty should still apply when this "reasonable person" has taken the phone in and out of the house at, oh, say -15 C

However, this test shows that doing so can trigger the humidity sensor, thereby voiding the warranty. Even though the person has not done anything unreasonable.

The think that I think some of you (who live in warmer climates?) are missing is this: the environment changes used in this test simulate normal daily use for those of us who live in colder climates.

Also, I doubt this issue is limited to iPhones: I had at least one motorola phone's warranty voided by the water sensor, even though I was unaware of having ever gotten the phone wet. This article could finally explain that issue as well...

Comment Re:What about the banks? (Score 1) 422

Well, with a token generator (for example), the thief would only have a few minutes to login before the token changed... that would help considerably.

Of course, that means the banks somehow convincing everyone to carry a token generator... (could some of these "printing circuits on paper" things we've been seeing lately be used to put a token generator on your bank card?)

Comment This is a serious problem (Score 4, Informative) 336

At least on the Rogers Dream (Canadian version of the G1) Cyanogen and similar are the ONLY way to run the phone well..

With the stock firmware timestamps are broken (as in text messages showing up in the wrong time zone, making the sorting of a conversation all wrong) and Performance is miserable.
By contrast Cyanogenmod more than solves these problems, transforming it from a badly flawed phone that makes Android look really BAD, to an excellent that makes android look great.
I'm not exaggerating when I say that, given what a poor job rogers has done resolving serious bugs like the timestamp one, I would never buy another android phone from Rogers, if I were going to be stuck using the stock firmware. However, as long as the modder community remains in play, I am a happy user who would be happy to buy a new device that came out.

I guess my point is, if google starts to shutdown the modders, they really are actually pushing customers (well, at least one) away.

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