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Comment Re:Unlikely (Score 1) 272

I usually get my news from the New York Times. They're the "paper of record," so they typically try to keep a fairly neutral tone. So I can't tell whether it's just me, or whether there really is a hint of glee in their coverage of the scandal.

Comment Re:How much of this is correlated to... (Score 5, Informative) 203

Have you ever worked a night shift?

I let myself take an 11PM-7AM shift several years ago precisely because I considered myself a night owl. I was waking up in the afternoon anyway, I figured it wasn't really a big deal. Turned out, it was. Working nights pretty thoroughly sucks away your life-force, as nearly anyone who's done one can tell you.

Comment Re:Carmack (Score 0) 140

I clicked it anyway, and I must admit I don't think I've ever seen a picture of a penis that big before. (The picture being big, I have nothing to say about the penis itself.)

Is that you masturbating, AC? Or did you have to search for photos of guys ejaculating? It appears to be hosted on Wikipedia, but it's not actually on the wiki page.

Although, I agree, the focus isn't very good but that's some excellent timing.

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