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Comment Re:Cooling is the issue (Score 1) 421

The reduced cooling should help in lowering the costs of the LED versus the CFL and the reduced energy consumption will be a help as well.

Yesterday I went to Walmart to get new light bulbs, old CFLs I had burned out. There Walmart had LED bulbs in stock, at around $20 a bulb. I ended up going to Sam's to get CFLs, an 8 pack cost less than $6.


And 3 years ago CFL's were going for as high as $10+ per bulb.

Comment Re:Oldspace got fat and lazy (Score 1) 215

Your brother needs to brush off on his study cases, Little Caesar's and Pizza Hut were founded almost concurrently.

Why spoil the fact 99% of the comments praising SpaceX are based solely upon fallacies and not even knowing their heads from their rear end on the total processes and limitations of either manufacturer. They're praising a start up who in Lockheed's position will gladly extort the government and any potential client if it becomes the predominant player. These libertarian twinkies will never admit their free market is a pipe dream and will roar with delight the next private space transport start up hoping they will become the SpaceX killer the day SpaceX reveals its spots. Of course, these praising SpaceX now will be dead before that happens.

Comment Re:So... Question, (Score 1) 1232

Columbine and Newtown school shootings were both with legally acquired guns in the wrong hands. Robberies and drug deal shootings frequently use illegal (hence less traceable) guns.

So your premise assumes guns were legally in the wrong hands due to the devastating end results, correct? It's an erroneous statement as the determination is always post criminal activity.

Comment Re:So Proud of Gun Ownership (Score 1) 1232

If someone used voter registration rolls to publish a map of all registered black voters, would that be a 1st Amendment vs 14th Amendment issue, or would that be a 1st Amendment vs privacy issue?

No, but are they publishing gun ownership by race? Political contributions are publically broadcasts on maps every election.

Comment Re:Distaste of C++ (Score 1) 476

On the other hand, it's the only mainstream language I know that supports both very low-level and very high-level programming style. This can be a real plus for compute intense signal processing, were a small minority of the code really requires low-level implementations. Being able to mix that with high-level abstractions (e.g. linear algebra factorizations) can give both efficient and maintanable code.


Comment Not the real question (Score 1) 258

The real question is, ``When will the US reinstate Pebble Bed Nuclear that Professor Fermi patented and the first act of the Atomic Energy Commission shut down due to its lack in aiding for Weaponry" would be the more appropriate question. Westinghouse busts a nut with South Africa and we're going to get what they now call 4th Generation [Actually it was 1st generation that got cock blocked] and then pulled out a couple years back when they started pushing older Nuclear Reactor tech that is already craptastic for efficiency and safety, but would allow them to charge asinine prices to build replacement/new reactors. Pebble Bed is the cheapest, safest and cleanest Nuclear Energy solution ever devised and who is all in? CHINA. The Not Implemented Here syndrome continues in America.

Comment Re:Industrialization is quickly coming (Score 1) 338

..to 2 billion people when you consider India + China. That means automobile transportation is quickly becoming NORMAL in those areas. That means HORRENDOUS smog problems for the next 4-6 decades in those areas.

In short, this isn't news, it was expected when you consider how much of the world is still developing quickly.

Unlike the ineptitude of the US, the build out of high speed rails is a full on reality.

Comment Re:A half dozen years late courtesy of Firefox... (Score 2) 113

You'll hate *much* more the day the H.264 licensing moster raises its ugly head.

Next round for starting asking for licensing fees is 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H.264/MPEG-4_AVC#Patent_licensing

Which won't happen. The patent holders have too much invested in hardware to cut off their noses to spite their face.

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