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Comment Re:Cant be worse (Score 1) 351

"conspiratorial" and "money making scheme" are your loaded words not mine.

And the idea that when regulators are corrupt it means "regulation wasn't happening anymore" is ridiculous. You fear business people will abuse their power without regulations but don't fear the people trusted to make and enforce regulations will. People are the problem and you shouldn't put too much faith in any of them.

If you don't believe people make money from regulations you are either uninformed or willfully blind.

In my state all license testing is done by a private company. Needless to say this state created monopoly makes someone a lot of money.

Regulations can also be used to create barriers to entry and there are plenty of well documented cases of regulations being used to keep out competition.

Also in my state they recently legalized medical marijuana but they are only issuing a very few licenses to sell it. Who's getting one? A state senators wife.

Comment Re:Cant be worse (Score 1) 351

There was a study that is often used to make the claim that "minimum wage doesn't cause unemployment" which came to it's conclusion by looking at the difference in unemployment rates between counties with different minimum wage rates despite the fact that the difference in minimum wage in these areas was negligible.

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