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Comment Re:Frogs (Score 5, Interesting) 314

Actually French films are rather good. But as another poster said, Americans tend to remake French films. With an example being the original French film, "Anything for Her", being played by Russell Crowe or one you should know... "True Lies". Or did you know about "The Tourist"? I am not going to espouse that French films are superior, they tend to drivel quite a bit at times. However, to say that they have no talent shows that you are ignorant on movies.

Comment Re:What is the best way to buy some in bulk? (Score 4, Informative) 944

We have been going through this phase out (Switzerland) and while I was using "neon" tubes and halogens I am switching to LED's. They are awesome. Low energy, last forever, very bright, and do not generate any heat. IMO LED's have come a very long way in a very short time.

Comment Re:this is like (Score 2) 397

Really Netflix works? So tell me Einstein how much of a presence does Netflix have outside of America, Canada, and the UK? OH NOT MUCH! If they are so much the A players and A team and best on this planet why on earth are they not in the vast majority of countries? Oh wait in the UK they have competition from Love Film. This is what gets me with "american" thinking. And I don't want to stereotypify here because not all Americans are like this.

It reminds me of Walmart who thought they could tromp into whatever country they wanted because they were the best. HA! They had their head handed to them on a platter in Germany. Netflix reminds me of this.

Their idea that you only hire A players is actually not a good idea. The growth of a company relies on innovation and innovation as much as managers dislike it does not come from conformity or some check mark system. My wife who is a fairly high manager knows this all too well. Innovation is a damm nebulous thing that comes from the oddest corners and from the oddest people. What is needed is a mixture of people who are hardworking, and dedicated to the cause. No more, no less.

Comment Re: What will Cameron do then? (Score 3, Interesting) 227


Saying that home made amateur porn is love and the rest ain't is being a tad bit over simplistic. Sex is there for the enjoyment, believe it or not. Seriously think about it from a biological perspective. If sex were a pain in the arse (heh heh heh) then we would not be doing it because it would be too much effort. For example imagine our society relied on the fact we needed to lose weight. We would have mucho less people right now because even obese folks want to have sex. Thus because sex is very enjoyable we try to do it however, or wherever we can. Some more, some less. Don't believe, read over the Bonobo monkey, google "bonobo monkey sex". Its a hoot, and if that ain't an example of nymphomania I don't know what is.

Comment Re:Automatons vs performers. (Score 1) 328

Oh that is just a pile of crap. If it is sound it can be copied! We did not talk about resolution because most devices might not have the resolution needed to fool the human being. This is what one calls going forward in time. You talk about how your devices are the "pure" thing, I call BS! For if you went back say 200 years or even 300 years did your piano sound like they do now? This is the entire crux of the argument in that instruments have advanced, and changed with the passing of time. Sounds change, and what sounds appropriate changes as well. No what I hear are people who yell, "get off my lawn I don't want an friggen change because it is not right."

Comment Re:Then Fire Him (Score 5, Insightful) 509

That is the cynicism that gives Americans what they have now. If every American actually felt there was a problem it would stop. The problem is that Americans condone this behavior as a general populace. So you get what you vote for. It is like the stat, "oh I hate Congress, but my guy is doing just fine, the others are the problem." RIGHT!!! It is always the OTHER...

Comment Re:Outlier: video games DO contribute to obesity. (Score 1) 114

Actually, let me give you a stat.

Kids today are slower than their parents. Let me give you another thought, when did video games become popular? Interestingly the heyday of tv did not cause kids to become slower or fatter. Driving a car? Well that has been a grand American tradition since the 50's. There is only one thing left... Video games! I am not putting all of the blame on it, but it is too much of a coincidence. And please don't start quoting Correlation does not imply causation, kids are not moving around enough today largely due video games!

Now about older people being fat? Actually yeah that is how it always has been. Look at this stat:

See the interesting trend? As you get older you get fatter. Now here is the problem, young kids are fat, and they are only going to get fatter as they get older.

Comment Re:How about NEW cars? (Score -1) 487

No, no, and again no...

Gasoline tanks are buried in the car and surronded by other crap. If you hit something then you will hit other parts of the car first. THink of the dynamics needed to incite a gasoline tank explosion.

The problem with a tesla is that it has batteries EVERYWHERE along the bottom of the car. So the probability of you hitting the battery is very high. Simply put this is not good because it shows a flaw in the design.

Comment Agreed.... (Score 5, Interesting) 499

IMO and I will probably get downgraded because of this comment... WOOOPEEE DOOOO! So you did a nice job, like you said. However, a UI is only a detail. The backend and getting that work is often much more difficult. I get really annoyed by some Silicon Valley types that think I can rewrite an entire enterprise system over a weekend. It involves a bit more than just fancy UI and greenfield database storage.

My guess what went wrong of the the original healthcare website is that it was designed with enterprise in mind and became bogged down in enterprise details. Would not be the first time, and will not be the last time something like this happens.

Comment Re: Energy shouldn't be cheap. (Score 1) 776

You are making a major failure in your logic. You are thinking that if we all hold back and be nice all will work out. You see human mentality is not like that. If there is a chance to fart in your face somebody will do it, whether you like it or not. This is part of a civil civilization. Here is a really simple example. Germany and the EU. Economists have shown time and time again, domestic consumption needs to be increased in Germany. And time and time again Germany says "no we build better products and it is up to others to catch up." This is a pile or shit! Yes Germany has many advantages, but they are taking major advantage of the Euro, for under normal circumstances the DM would have shot up like the CHF.

You see, we should be civilized enough to have Germany cooperate. (BTW if all were exporters who would consume? That point is lost on the Germans.)

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