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Comment Re:Dammit Slashdot Editors!!!! (Score 1) 158

To me it depends on what the aircraft is doing, who is operating it and so what the intention of the owner/operator is.

UAV's and R/C planes both come in all shapes and sizes, so that doesn't have anything to do with it. The whole "all poodles are dogs, but not all dogs are poodles," thing.

I'm a senior in aerospace engineering and our capstone project is to spend the year designing and then building a UAV for the US Coast Guard to be used in a variety of situations: search and rescue ops, patrolling harbors, monitoring coastal erosion, monitoring buoys, etc... Now, remove the intentions that the USCG has for the UAV and you just have a large R/C plane with a camera that points down and an off-the-shelf autopilot. Plenty of hobbyists use the same autopilot and camera hardware that we are using.

Comment SIR Spheres (Score 1) 35

A similar technology is a significant portion of the reason why my father is alive today.

They're called SIR Spheres and they can be used to carry chemotherapy drugs or a radioactive isotope.

In my fathers case, they used Yttrium-90 to treat the cancer that originated in his gall bladder and had spread into his liver. They allow for a very directed method for delivery of the chemo or radiation.

Comment Re:$40,000? (Score 1) 153

I've just recently begun to get involved in academic research and I've been amazed at how expensive things are. New manual spin coater? 3k. Want a better one? 5-8k.

Bearings in a turbomolecular pump go bad? 3k to repair, unless your boss lets them have it when said pump has less than 1000 hours on it and they decide pissing off a department that they make a lot of money from isn't smart. Same pump brand new is 10k.

Helium leak detector goes tits-up? 4.5k to repair. Of course that's better than buying a new one!

Let's not forget the 3.5k balance. Of course it's "accurate" to 0.00001g or some similar nonsense.

Completely insane.

Comment Re:what? (Score 1) 614

He's my hero, does that count? (I'm 31 though).

For a slightly younger person, perhaps Garrett Lisi? He's older than what #2 seems to require, but he's still quite young at 42 and is doing some interesting work. He's also a surf bum :D

Comment Re:Just go to a religious school already (Score 3, Interesting) 989

Ironically, in the area of Louisiana I lived in the parochial schools were the best schools in the area. They also only taught actual science in science class. They kept religious things in classes about religion.

I had non-christian friends who sent their children to the private parochial schools in the area because the education there was so much better. I'm not sure if their children were forced to stomach the classes on loving Geebus though.

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