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Comment The Future: (Score 1) 125

Slashdot overloaded with quality posts because Flash Flip allows swarms of Anonymous Cowards to RTFA before posting. Consequently, each post becomes so long an thoughtful that each one becomes the size of the actual articles, but being comments rather than articles, Slashdot users won't spend the time to read them. Apocalypse.

Comment USC GamePipe (Score 2, Interesting) 178

I'm a student at one of the universities discussed in the article. I can tell you the games program is a VERY serious program, and the people who come in thinking that it's a goof off major get flunked out quickly. Every Computer Science(Games) student takes all the same computer science classes as the standard CS major, but instead of having 30 units worth of electives to take Intro to Basket Weaving, they have to take group design courses and other collaborative classes focused on preparing them for the teamwork that will be necessary in the field. I've recently decided to switch my major to Computer Egineering / Computer Science, but it was by no means because CS-Games was too easy. You really do have to be the complete package of a game designer - artistic and technical - to cut it in that program. In the end, I decided I liked the hardware more than the creative process.

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