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Comment Re:Put this in perspective (Score 1) 258

Good luck convincing 7 billion people to adjust their daily lives because a contested model say they need to do so today.
Pre-emptive climate intervention is also predicted to be much more expensive than the wait-and-see approach, in addition of potentially having little to no effect long term; cutting emissions 20% still means we emit CO2 and concentrations will increase.

Also, we're not seeing rapid changes in climate. We're seeing atmospheric CO2 increase while the climate itself goes its own model-defying way.

Comment Re:Well. (Score 1) 195

Presumably they'll use it as a marketing ploy "EXCLUSIVE sAPPhire ultra hard display![pictures of brilliant blue sapphire gems] It's like functional jewlery for the low price of $999.99(32 gb version for $1999.99)"

What they won't tell the user that hard doesn't equal shatterproof.

Comment Re:Projections (Score 2) 987

That the verbose description is hyped up when the data of the report is cooled down.

GDP losses was downgraded from 2-5%, to 0.2-2%. Meaning that predicted changes in GDP now too can disappear in the error bars and otherwise disappear entirely due to "unexpected growth."

Comment Re:Dwarf-like? (Score 3, Informative) 63

Something just a few times the mass of earth would've been outside the detection range.

>WISE was not able to detect Kuiper belt objects, as their temperatures are too low.[19] It was able to detect any objects warmer than 70–100 K. A Neptune-sized object would be detectable out to 700 AU

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