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Comment Re:my 2 cents (Score 1) 630

I should probably mention, since my post does seem horribly close minded... that on this topic I'm happy to be close minded.

I'll listen to a murderers side of the story before I'll listen to some asshole try to justify screwing a child. At least with murder there's "Self Defense" or other reasons that justify the act... there is no justification for child rape.

Comment Re:my 2 cents (Score 1) 630

Screw their rights.

I'm a very fair minded person, but when adult A, has sex with child B, you lose your "I'm a human" card.

I agree laws have taken it too far with pictures, and cartoons, and all mannor of stupidity... these people aren't child molesters, they're just pervs. Nothing wrong with that, it's a free country, masterbate to whatever you want to masterbate to.

When some idiot has sex with a 12 year old though, they're write offs. I frankly don't give a damn if they spend the rest of their life doing medical work for free in 3rd world countrys, they're still scum.

And if we're going to do the appeal to emotions argument with "You can say that until your son or your nephew or your brother gets convicted for doing something stupid."... well you can say that untill your 10 year old daughter gets raped on the playground and they let him go.

Comment my 2 cents (Score 1) 630

You surrender your right to be treated like a human being the second you commit a sex crime.

Screw them.

And before anyone says it, yes I know some people get busted for stupid crap and have it labled a sex crime... that's stupid and the system needs fixed. Rapists and Pedophiles though? (actual pedophiles, not kids downloading child porn from the chans) Screw'em.

Comment Drawing (Score 2, Insightful) 933

I'm going to start drawing lines on a page... tell me which line makes it illegal. The outline? Shading? Coloring?

There's a reason that sounds stupid... because this whole damn topic is stupid. ffs I like to watch violent movies, and I don't kill people... I like to play racing games, and I've never had a speeding ticket... is it some how different when there's sex involved? Is reading some stupid porn story going to suddenly make you exactly like the story talks about?

Of course this is going to be a mess... we can't even get these idiots to accept that playing a video game won't make you the next baby-killing monster. I think these people protest a bit too much...

Comment Re:It doesn't work like that. (Score 4, Interesting) 779

Blah blah, we've all heard this stupid defintion nit picking before, here's the other side of it as expected. (sorry, agnostisism is always presented as some bloody middle ground)

One refers to if you think god is knowable (gnostic vs agnostic), one refers to personal belief (Is there a god). I'm for example am an Agnostic Atheist... normally I don't bother to mention agnostic because it's unnessisary. I also don't mention a thousand other clarifiying words to pinpoint it.

Agnostic means you don't think it's possible for humanity to know if there is a god or not, it has nothing to do with if you believe there is one or not.

Example; I'm agnostic to there being pink elephants in the core of the earth. I don't believe they are there, but I don't think we really have any way to find out.

Comment Re:Matter and Energy...or not? (Score 1) 167

Take a huge formula on the wall, and every test we've ever done with that formula has been 100% accurate.

Then we look at galaxys, and they are slightly off... but always off by the same amount.

We add a "Two" or something to a line of the formula, and suddenly, the formula works again.

Logically, should we scrap the whole thing, and the years of perfectly accurate information the formula has provided us, or should we check to see if there is something out there that would add that "Two" so it makes sense? I'd say we should look for the "Two", and if we can't find it THEN look for a way to replace the formula.

Fact of the matter is though, any NEW formula is going to look nearly identical to the current one... because the current one is accurate as hell. Kind of like evolutionary theory... even if some portion WAS proven wrong (which happens now and then), it matches with so much evidence that whatever replaced it would look nearly identical to the original.

Comment Re:Logic (Score 1) 167

Yes, because it's just "Lets say this is happening" without other facts it corrilates to, and mountains of evidence that says it has to be there.

Provide the same for another viewpoint without starting out at the proposed solution and your argument may be taken more seriously. But I'm sure armchair physicists who haven't taken the time to understand astrophysics know more then those who have dedicated their lives to the practice.

Comment Re:wow (Score 1) 844

A fundimentalist muslim will scream, shout, and threaten violence. The more extreamists will kill people.

Oh, btw, a fundimentalist christian will scream, shout, and threaten violence... or bomb abortion clinics.

Protip: Religion is a drug, overdosing can cause a person to behave erraticly

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