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Comment Desegregation? (Score 1) 868

What, O wise ./ readers, do you think would happen if Israel simply tore down the walls, removed all checkpoints, and allowed any Palestinian who wanted into Israel to just walk, drive, or ride on in, followed by an apology for their use of force and a promise that future violence would be handled by the police and not the military? I think the one thing everyone can agree on is that what they've been doing so far hasn't worked (on both sides). Maybe something flat out crazy should be tried instead; take a few hits to the jaw to show they're serious about peace. I don't think most people in Palestine would think it a sign of weakness and begin their own genocide, despite any charters or lunatic fringe snippets about "killing every Jew", etc. The vast majority of Palestinians aren't savages, and the real terrorists would lose any reason for further support by the Palestinians. Yes, there would be more terrorist attacks in the short-term inside Israel, but those deaths could be the price for an end to a cycle of perpetual violence.

Comment I live in Atlanta and... (Score 2) 55

Just about everything works like this, as in, fails to work. The Postal Service employee who delivers my mail often wears pajamas and nearly ran me off the road a couple of weeks ago with my two year old in the car. Hell, the Atlanta Braves are moving out of the city in a few years. Perhaps it's no coincidence that The Walking Dead is filmed in Georgia. All those zombie movies may have been more realistic than we imagined.

Comment novelty != threat (Score 1) 435

Embarrassing that our so-called security "professionals" confuse novelty with threat level. After 9/11 they started two wars, greatly amplifying our casualties and economic and political losses. After the shoe bomber they started searching shoes. After the Goodyear blimp crashed into the superbowl they made helium a controlled substance. Now we have to use hydrogen for balloons at birthday parties, which means no more candles on cakes. Why is the response to an attack always worse than the attacks themselves? Maybe that's the point...the enemy counts on our overreaction.

Comment Re:Ewww... (Score 1) 242

Until a few years ago I thought this is how things had been done forever. It was a story on ./ that clued me in to the fact that water from plumbing and storm drains was not being purified and pumped back into the water supply. I was shocked at how wasteful our current techniques are and surprised that some people have a problem with purifying waste water for drinking. As cynical as I am now at age 38, I suppose I should have known better. Water reclamation needs to be as closed a system as possible. With the quickly rising population and sea levels along with increasingly erratic weather, we need as much control over the water supply as we can get.

Comment Re:Slush (Score 1) 49

Well, think of how water freezes on a cold lake. There's a sharp divide because water isn't still. Heat being generated at the core of the moon would ensure warmer fluid would move towards the ice barrier, and colder fluid would move towards the core. This cycle tends to keep 'slush' from forming.

Interesting...didn't think about that. I suppose what got me thinking of the slush idea was the sheer scale of the environment compared to ours here; the entire moon is frozen. Here's some info on theories about Europa's oceans:

And possibly evidence of slush, depending on how you interpret the word "ductile": is predicted that the outer crust of solid ice is approximately 10–30 km (6–19 mi) thick, including a ductile "warm ice" layer...

Guess there's only one way to find out. I personally can't wait!

Comment how nice (Score 1) 73

Mice injected with the engineered enzyme survive daily lethal doses of cocaine for an average of 94 hours.

It's things like this that make me think that if there ever was an extinction event like a large asteroid collision or gamma ray burst, I wouldn't feel too bad about it. People create a highly addictive drug. People abuse the drug. People kill each other over purchasing, selling and law enforcement issues regarding the drug. Now people are torturing animals by forcing them to overdose on the drug, reviving them, and repeating the process until they die in order to find a way to combat the effects of an overdose in humans. Am I the only one who sees this as embarrassingly stupid and shameful behavior for the top dogs on the planet? An infinite number of Picards could not facepalm enough to make me feel better.

Comment Slush (Score 1) 49

I wonder if the ice/water transition may be miles of slush, rather than being clearly defined. If so the design in TFA isn't going to work as there will be no ceiling to use as a reference. They'll need to use temperature, sonar, or pressure readings to determine its elevation/depth, all of which will be unknown without sending something else down there first.

Comment Re:Luddites on the loose. (Score 2) 199

Considering these are basically miniature electric helicopters, I'm not sure a crash is really that big a deal; certainly no more so than a truck crashing in the street while delivering the same package through the FAA-approved route. Plus, whoever it crashed on would get free stuff as compensation.

Tell that to the guy whose cranium was split in half by a quadcopter a year or so ago.

Comment It's not just energy consumption that's a problem (Score 1) 394

Cable and satellite receivers have always been poorly designed, slower than molasses, hot-running piles of shit with UI design worse than a PC RPG ported to an NES and more bugs than the Amazon. Anyone have any ideas why this is? With any other consumer electronic device people would rage spike it into the pavement, but for cable boxes it's somehow okay.

I recently cancelled Dish Network for blacking out half the Braves games (in Atlanta, no less) and sent their shit-box back to them. Netflix, TPB and Linux HTPC's all the way, baby.

Comment The solution is a new law: (Score 1) 462

H.R.x Commerce of Any Non Organism Shall Not Require Any Federal or States License

Oh no. It would be the Wild West of selling and buying. Everything would instantly catch on fire, gunmen would roam the streets, and somehow slavery would come back even though the law didn't apply to organisms. The state and central government regularly punish and reward businesses to enforce policy. A shame.

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