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Comment Re:Debian (Score 1) 353

Yes, with tweaking. I got it working by following this post:

Just got in the beta, and decided to try it out. Debian Wheezy, 64-bit. Like many people here, I had hell, but instead of using some lxc for steam or bringing in ubuntu packages, I went for the native approach.

Yes. It's possible and working. I'm studying for finals, so I'll include the short and sweet version.

1) Enable multiarch, add i386
2) Install dependencies, substituting libjpeg8 for libjpeg-turbo8. Do not worry about versions for now. Don't forget to specify arch ( :i386 )
3) Add experimental repo if not done already; update package list
4) Update libc6 to 1.16, which is in experimental. This will break many things since apt won't initially follow dependencies into experimental, and without doing pinning you'll have to manually resolve them. I used aptitude for this step
5) At this point steam can be installed with dpkg --force-depends -i steam.deb
EDIT: Make you installed all dependencies. the --force-depends is to ignore the misnamed libjpeg library and libpulse0 version mismatch.
5a) You will have broken depends now, I just temp fixed it by editing /var/lib/dpkg/status and changing the dependencies for 'steam' to the correct name for libjpeg8 and edited the version for libpulse0 (remove the leading 1:)

This part may be nvidia specific; I don't have an ATi card to test with

Now, steam will fail to launch citing it can't find steamui.so. Doing some debug work shows it can't find libgl.so; for you 64-bit users thats because you need the 32-bit opengl libs. Attempting to install the 32bit version of the libgl1-nvidia-glx package will break due to a dependency not being multiarch enabled. There is a patch submitted but currently not accepted due to the Wheezy release freeze.
6) Download both amd64 and i386 versions of the patched deb from http://twolife.be/debian/todo/xvmc/
7) install them with dpkg -i
8) install libgl1-nvidia-glx:i386

I think that's it. I didn't start this journey expecting so much pain so I may have missed a step or two. I'm busy with finals for the next week so no, I probably can't help you if you don't understand what I wrote above. Use google, or maybe someone else here can help.

Hope this helps someone.

Comment Re:Does it really need to be packaged at all? (Score 0) 163

The problem is that modifying files outside of /home/ requires root, and that includes auto-updating. You'd have to launch Steam with root access every once in a while. The ones you get from tar.gz, rpm, or deb generally don't update. The only exception I know of is the Google Talk plugin, which added a repo to my sources.list and now updates with aptitude just like everything else.

Comment Re:only 7000 apps? (Score 1) 232

"Easy to find" doesn't mean everybody knows to look for it.
I don't browse the Steam store looking for games with an interesting title and cover image. I hear about a game that seems interesting and use Steam to buy it.

An app store doesn't make people want your app. It just makes things simpler for people that know what they want.

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