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Comment Re:Let's be fair (Score 2) 365

It's kind of like saying "I have a rock in my pocket, that prevents lions from eating us."

Now we all know the rock isn't preventing the lions, there are none in canada, so they CAN'T eat us. Let it go.. But letting something like that just "go"
gives plausibility to the whole "lions not eating people because of the rock stuff".

So It is bad, and it makes them look like idiots.

Comment Richard Stallman should shut up. (Score 1) 1452

This is not a story about Steve Jobs being evil or Richard Stallman being "right"

Richard Stallman, for all the good work he does, damages his movement by belittling people. And to do this when people
are mourning Steve Jobs, is classless. Mourning is NOT for the deceased, it is for the bereaved. It is a healing process. To come out
on this occasion to belittle Steve Jobs, is ineffective and just not nice.

If Richard Stallman wants his movement to succeed, he should be a little more classy.

And no, being right doesn't entitle you to be a jerk. What he did was wrong and not amount of "good programming" can excuse this sort of behavior

And several people have said that Steve Jobs (and bill gates) can be "hard" to work for.

A friend of mine that worked with Richard Stallman, said he was a petulant child.

He may be right, but that doesn't excuse his behavior.

Other people are right too, and they don't insult me while they are teaching me.

Comment Re:Stallman and FOSS (Score 1) 1452

I'm glad to see this go from flamebait to insightful. I agree with most of what was said here. Presentation, can be as important as functionality, as engineers we sometimes forget that. People like Jobs has made computers a LOT easier for users to use. I believe that the thing he did best was make computer become transparent and the task at hand be most important. Yes apples turn on and just work. and that is a very very good thing.

yeah FOSS would be better off without richard making embarrassing statements when we mourn for Steve Jobs.

Comment Re:*yawn* (Score 1) 854

I don't know if I agree with this. When I get a new video game (like wii etc...)

I expect 20 to 40 hours of game play to "finish" it. like for Mario or zelda or in the older days Final Fantasy.

When I got the lord of the rings games, the two towers and the return of the king. I got though all 10 levels the first day.

Comment Re:What if I lose internet access? (Score 1) 210

With the built in HTML 5 databases and HTML 5 app cache you will be able to do that offline too


really it's happening already.

This is a video of gmail running offline with full features....

So I wonder if MS is going to do this eventually.....

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