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Comment Re:the sound of clashing ideologies (Score 1) 381

Seconded. I'd mod you up if I could. If this does pass we'll essentially be nationalizing the newspapers. Didn't we decide that that was a bad idea with the phone company? Of course, given how that turned out I'm not certain if that's a condemnation or an endorsement.

We could certainly do worse than the BBC though and we likely would.

Comment Re:The steady slide to Police State continues (Score 2, Insightful) 1123

No. What we need is a dose of reality. The police generally aren't abusive thugs and they aren't paragons either. They're people and people and people sometimes abuse power when tempted to do so. The problem is the attitude we seem to have that there can be only two sides to every problem. Either you are for police power or for the criminals, or so the 'thinking' goes. As long as we have that choice we'll go for police power even past the point where it's really wise to do so.

Comment Re:Don't know about bees, but certainly this shows (Score 1) 542

True, it's not at all well established to people who actually think it's important to understand what's happening before they act but it is 'well established' to the woo woos that seriously discuss the 'alien conspiracy' and what ever Bigfoot has done lately and such. The above post mentioning neonicotinoids is correct. We have the solution, now it's just a matter of verification and implementation. Well, that and opposing the paid mercenaries of the pesticide corps who want to keep making the stuff.

Comment Re:Even though Fedora is my desktop of choice (Score 1) 268

Alsa was rock solid on this computer with Ubuntu 7.04. With PulseAudio in 8.x sound was completely useless. 9.10 was fixable and now works reasonably well but it still goes into a fugue state from time to time. Did they remove the drivers for Nvidea's onboard sound? I ended up having to get an ancient C-Media card to get it working again and that's in Alsa emulation mode. It was a cheap enough fix but I'd like to get the onboard sound working as it would improve airflow to my graphics card.

Comment Re:Right (Score 1) 397

True that. Our local DSL provider is CenturyLink which is just the old Verizon crap after a couple of name changes. Verizon was famous locally for delivering service that failed from 3 pm to 1 am and always when it rained. They recently got a friend to change their service and we ended up having to go through a mess to get them to drop their charges when it failed to work.

In this area cable beats them easily not just in speed but service and reliability. I really don't know how they stay in business unless its just by taking advantage of the 'Internet is always flaky' crowd. Apparently they decided that the old name change and run an ad campaign routine is more profitable than fixing the network. That's why we left them years ago.

Comment Re:What the fuck is wrong with you people? (Score 1) 1067

It's Slashdot: Arguments for people who are bored and have nothing better to do right now.

Ok, ok, seriously, it is an opinion site. We're not deciding policy here. Relax.

My problems with the iPad have much more to do with the fact that it seems to be trying to be too much, rather than too little. I like the concept and I like the physical implementation but the battery life is going to be a problem. It's bad enough to need batteries to read books to begin with, but 10-12 hours on a charge makes it useless on a hike. Good battery life for a reader begins in days, not hours. Sure I can plug it in if I'm not hiking, but I can do that with anything and chances are good that I don't want to carry a charger around with me anyway.

For stuff like ssh and other admin duties I'll use a netbook or even my old pda. A pda is as usable as an iPad for this and it's smaller too. For everything else the netbook just works better. It's not good enough a reader to pull me off of a purpose built reader nor is it good enough at the rest to pull me off of my current gear.

They're also talking about 15$ for books. That's a pretty hefty mark up from the $7-$9 that I usually pay now for new books let alone the price of a used one.

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