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Comment Re:Elimitate upselling (Score 1) 1367

Off-topic: Damn! I just used my last mod point! I would mod you Overrated just to prove that I really DON'T have a penis :p

Truthfully, I totally agree with you on the marijuana culture issue - at least within the sphere of universities, which is where most of us Slashdotters probably encounter it. However, it does depend on where you are - sometimes the people selling marijuana DO also sell harder drugs, too (my boyfriend worked in Hawaii for a while, the latter was the case there).

FCC Unanimously Approves White Space Wi-Fi 156

Smelly Jeffrey writes "With the release of this whitepaper, the FCC unanimously approved plans for a new technology with strong supporters and even stronger detractors. White Space Wi-Fi effectively allows manufacturers of wireless devices to incorporate transceivers that operate on unused DTV channels. Although the deregulation is new, the idea seems to have caught Google's interest recently as well. It seems that this has been rather rushed through the normally stagnant channels at the FCC. While some view it as interference in the already crowded spectrum, it seems the FCC Chairman really likes the idea of re-purposing dark parts of the newly allocated DTV bands once more." Update: 11/06 18:15 GMT by T : You may want to look at Tuesday's mention of the decision as well, but the additional links here are interesting.

Schneier on Security Screenshot-sm 204

brothke writes "There is a perception in both the private and government sector, that security, both physical and digital, is something you can buy. Witness the mammoth growth of airport security products following 9/11, and the sheer number of vendors at security conferences. With that, government officials and corporate executives often think you can simply buy products and magically get instant security by flipping on the switch. The reality is that security is not something you can buy; it is something you must get." Keep reading for the rest of Ben's review.

End Of The Rainbow Screenshot-sm 1

Sometimes you don't want the pot of gold.

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