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Comment Re:Xubuntu? Lubuntu? (Score 1) 455

I'll second this -- the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment is probably the only unified desktop that's both light on resources (hence its name) and easy to use for both beginners and power users. I think its only drawback re Ubuntu in general is that it tends to be a bit slow to keep up with major releases. But if you want cutting edge, there's always the Debian LXDE install CD -- and if you choose the stable installer and select advanced options it will let you choose testing or unstable as your distro.

Comment Re:Imo (Score 1) 163

Even though others had preceded it in the first person real time RPG genre, DM was best in its class for many years to come because it had some substance to its story despite its genre. Black Crypt and Eye of the Beholder were good efforts as well but BC was probably the better of the two.

Submission + - Block adverts outside of the browser (chromeadblock.com)

vm writes: The AdBlock app for Chrome and Safari is pretty fantastic for blocking ads on web pages, and millions of people use it daily while they surf. Users report that they forget what surfing was even like before AdBlock, and some even report a sense of bliss at seeing the before-and-after effect on web pages.

But the number one requested feature has been a way to block the ads that assault us all in the 'real world' — such as billboards, TV commercials, and magazine ads. Unfortunately, AdBlock hasn't been available outside the browser window.

Until today. Introducing the beta version of AdBlock Freedom: augmented reality eyewear that detects and removes ads from the world in realtime.

Open Source

Submission + - Where to donate Power Mac G5s? 3

vm writes: I work for a medium sized software developer that publishes products for both OS X and Windows. Since we've been a Mac dev for the past 12 years, we often end up with a deluge of old hardware after a few years of constantly purchasing the latest systems to develop and QA check our products. Recently, we've consolidated about a dozen Power Mac G5 systems and I thought we should try to find a home for them aside from our local PC recycling non-profit. Don't get me wrong — our local non-profit does great work and sells a lot of Linux systems to support their cause. But I took a quick look around and only found a couple of open source projects that are asking for hardware donations at this time. One, CRUX PPC, is in Italy so it would be cost prohibitive to send them one or more systems. Since we can't include hard drives, operating systems, or software, most schools in the area aren't willing to take them. Has anyone else come across this problem and how did you go about solving it?

Comment Oracle buys the sun (Score 1) 906

"The acquisition of the sun transforms the IT industry, combining best-in-class enterprise software and mission-critical computing systems," said Oracle CEO Larry Ellison. "Oracle will be the only company that can engineer an integrated system and power it indefinitely by harnessing the seemingly infinite power of our nearest star. Our customers benefit as their power bills and systems integration costs go down while system performance, reliability and security go up. We can't imagine a better perimeter security appliance than one with a surface temperature of 5,778 degrees Kelvin. We are also on the verge of announcing a deal whereby our entire staff will be entitled to a free lifetime supply of sunscreen lotion."


Submission + - Brazilian street music uses viral business model

vm writes: Tecnobrega musicians and street vendors in Brazil have created a music business model that would give RIAA execs nightmares. The scene was detailed in the documentary Good Copy Bad Copy but was also featured recently on BBC's Click... 'From the improvised studio, the next stop is a typical street market in Belem where among the stalls for clothes and food the street traders are hard at work selling tecnobrega CDs. It is the street traders who have made the copies and it is they who will make the money — selling CDs at a fraction of the normal price. 'Everything depends on the CD quality,' says street trader Bacurau. 'If the public likes it and it is a CD with good music — everyone comes to buy.' 'What happens is that the musicians skip the intermediaries,' says Ronaldo Lemos. 'So the musicians do not make money from the CDs that are sold by the street vendors, they actually make money by playing live at the so-called sound system parties — the aparelhagem parties as we tecnobrega say here in Brazil — and also by selling CDs after they play live. What the scene understood is that the CD is becoming more of an advertisement.' See the full article for more.

Comment Re:Blood optional (Score 1) 242

Something like this was done with Chex Quest which was a total conversion of Doom -- but instead of killing the NPCs, the main character's weapon merely teleports them to another dimension.

As for knocking anyone doing total conversions or mods of any kind, it's not exactly child's play. However, you're certainly welcome to download the idTech 3 source and show us how it's done. Keep in mind, too, that many game developers over the years began their careers in the industry by deconstructing or modding their favorite games.

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