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Comment Re:quit whining over loss of free services (Score 1) 383

[quote]Really I don't know why reader is being lamented so much. It had a stupid, wasteful interface and wasn't very customizable. I've tried a couple times to make something useful of it but it's always been inferior.[/quote]

Cross platform support. I can sync the same read/unread items between 6 different devices I use, many using third-party client applications developed using their API. No other RSS reader platform offers this.

Comment More coffin nails! (Score 1) 344

Like the world needed yet another reason not to buy Sony products. I personally, in just the recent year, consciously did not buy the following superior-quality Sony products, opting instead for their competitors: headphones, camera, LED TV. Just because they were Sony.

Comment Re:Two words: (Score 2) 132

I stopped using Google services long time ago for that same reason. Used to be a huge fanboy... and I mean I used everything - email, docs, blogger, maps, adwords, adsense, freaking shopping site, everything. Now the only one I have left is Gmail, to make sure nobody steals whatever accounts I haven't moved off of it yet.

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