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Submission + - The Fifteen Greatest Hacking Exploits (tomshardware.com)

The Gaytriot writes: The society of the late 1970s and early 1980s was greatly influenced by the arrival of the personal computer; it was during this time that the computing technology was reduced in size enough to fit comfortably into the home and to be called "personal computers" or PCs. While the number of PC users increased, a rather mysterious fringe element developed within this population: hackers. This term, popularized in 1983 by Newsweek magazine, describes users who prefer to dig into the innards of a computer, rather than simply use it. They are playful and curious, individualistic and smart, and have a passion for computers and networks. And they are also the nightmare of network administrators, security services and even the FBI. Some hackers have left their marks on the history of computers, becoming idols for a whole class of newer computer users. Let's go back and take a look at these computer gods, some of whom could break every known protection, and even became involved in great virtual manhunts with the powers that be.

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"Spock, did you see the looks on their faces?" "Yes, Captain, a sort of vacant contentment."
