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Comment Re:"Faith Science Basis?" (Score 1) 714

I would argue that ID can not accurately/honestly be presented as a "theory" at all, at least not in the sense of the word as used by Science. Because that would connote that it had amassed a body of supporting evidence, which it has not. However, ID could honestly be presented as a hypothesis, although a nearly useless one in that it makes no predictions and is fundamentally (pun intended) un-testable. Perhaps it could be used as a good example of a poorly formed hypothesis? ID could also be useful fodder in a discussion of Occam's Razor, but it would need to be in the role of a negative example which introduces unnecessary additional assumptions.
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - The right to bear arms?! (

OshMan writes: If you ask me, they've got it all wrong. To my understanding the right to bear arms has nothing to do with giving them weapons. But at least they didn't give them lasers.

Comment A point well missed (Score 1) 135

Whether this "implies" that the building blocks of life were delivered via this method is a secondary hypothesis. I feel that a more important implication is that these "building blocks" can develop in a particularly harsh, non-earth environment. This gives more credence to the notion that life could have arisen on the primordial earth as postulated by science. And it gives credence to the notion that life may well have arisen elsewhere in the universe.

Submission + - Why Evolution Is True (

OshMan writes: Jerry Coyne gave a good talk at the AAI 2009 around the topic of his latest book “Why Evolution Is True”. He’s a good clear speaker, and it’s very accessible for the non-biologist. With a quick overview of why evolution matters, what kind of evidence there is, and how it has risen to the level of fact. He digs in a bit around why so much of the US rejects “Darwinism” and how to go about improving this. Coyne goes beyond the simplistic notion that religion is the problem and looks at our society as a whole comparing it with other nations where Darwinism is more widely accepted and why. It’s a bit long for a YouTube video, clocking in at just under an hour, but well worth the time.

Comment Competition is already stiff (Score 1) 1

With things like the Asus EEE Pc, and web enabled phones doing so well, there's definitely a market segment here. But at almost $700 they're already coming in at the high end of that segment. You can get a pretty well appointed laptop for that kind of money. I think they need to bring the price way down to really compete.

Comment Re:The rats' name is not 'Algernon', or is it? (Score 1) 302

No offense intended. My point is that the mid 40s and up camp (including me ;) are likely to think of Flowers for Algernon first. Since many of us already read it in high school when secret of NIMH came out. And were perhaps a bit (or more) too old for the movie. People roughly your age I would expect might think first of Secrets of NIMH, as you point out already in sequel mode and no doubt on TV a lot. I don't know how many 20 and under there are on Shashdot, but I expect they might think first of Pinky and the Brain. I know about the later 2 because I have kids. I'm not sure where the mice from Hitchhiker's Guide fall in. But it's a reoccurring theme, or perhaps meme and I find that interesting. Maybe the real question is how old are the researchers?

Comment Eyes of the world (Score 1) 1721

I think the real accomplishment that this reflects is Obamas role in changing the perception of the US as an aggressive unilateral nation that has no serious interest in dealing with global warming or participating in true international cooperation. In this respect it is similar to the Gorbachev award in the 90s. I think it is an opportunity for some introspection into how US diplomatic style affects the rest of the world for better or worse. It is also an indication of a changing of the winds on how we as a nation are perceived, and perhaps an opportunity for a better relationship with the larger community of nations. Like the general goodwill of other nations extended to the US after 911, this is an opportunity that can be squandered, or used constructively. Only time will tell whether Obama seizes or drops this moment.

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