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Comment Re:Not comcast (Score 0) 235

The reason it would never happen is every idiot that wasn't smart enough to tell that their computer wasn't on would still press that button going "I know what I'm doing". Its the same reason why so many large call centers make you go through the call tree for every service even if you just have internet, because if they gave you a number that was just for internet support everyone would use it as a shortcut even when their issue has nothing to do with internet. I do upper level internet support and while I do get people that know what they are talking about I also get probably 9 out of 10 that don't know what you talk about when you say computer. "Oh the big screen on my desk? The green light is flashing on it."

Comment Hey (Score 1) 491

Hey do they know that in Rift you get an achievement for killing and collecting 20 squirrel tears in the starting area? I've attempted this at home and I can't seem to get any blue gem like tears to drop from them. I'm convinced I just cant find their backpacks yet. But give me time I'll find it before I run out of squirrels (hopefully).

Comment Re:Support Calls == Compicated (Score 0) 316

Yeah I'm sorry but your just plain wrong. I talk to people every day that call their computer their modem. And forbid you tell them to type in a website because the first thing they do is put what you gave them in the search field. Heck I still have to tell people that have no pic on their computer to turn the monitor on.

Comment OK I don't get.... (Score 0) 335

I don't get why everyone seems to be assuming that you would need an instant charge when you pulled home. Maybe its just me but if I could stop at a gas station and in a few mins charge a charge a car that I could do a few hundred miles on I would be ok with that. When I got home I would be fine with a charge that took a few hours. Right now I would love the cost savings but I want something I can take a 600 mile trip in and not need to stay overnight to charge until I get to my destination. Until I can do something like that I will keep burning my fossil fuels.

Comment People still watch Syfy? (Score 0) 742

I don't think there has been a show on there that I could bring myself to watch. Its sad I used to watch it all the time but when when I go there now I find nothing that even remotely interests me anymore. I would say the last time I even checked what was on was when they started putting WWE SmackDown on it... Other than it being fiction I'm not sure what other part of it belongs on that chnl.

Comment Re:Fanatic civilians? (Score 0) 608

Just in case someone is interested did a video about North Korea. Its a pretty good watch.
What you said was pretty accurate. The people there are happy but its because they don't know anything else and they believe that their government would never lie to them. Personally I keep looking at this and can't figure out how all the countries in the world keep putting up with NK. It seems now is the time for everyone to tell them to sit down and shut up. I mean how would the world respond to any other country telling another country "Don't do those drills or we will start shooting at you". Think about it say Canada did drills off the cost near Maine in the northern US. How would the world act if the US went "If you do those drills we are going to bomb Vancouver!"? The rest of the world would have a fit. But with NK you have people like Russia that "asked South Korea to cancel the drills after North Korea vowed to strike back if they proceed."

Comment Re:Cagers..... (Score 0) 754

All the more reason to ban both of them then. We ban the Motorcycles to protect themselves and we bad SUVs to protect everyone else. I'm shocked people even get upset at this crap now. The US is heading towards being just like the move Demolition man. Whether you like it or hate it as a movie it paints a pretty depressing picture of what the future could be like.

Edgar Friendly

I've SEEN the future. Do you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing "I'm an Oscar Meyer Wiener".

Comment Re:Go for it (Score 0) 1065

Yeah because its not like having hundreds of cars around you on the highway all jamming cellphones is going to cause any interference. That and the fact that how long would it take you to fine some way around it? I can tell you now I use my car in my phone every day but only on hands free through my radio. The issue isn't talking on your phone its idiots that can't walk and chew gum that try to talk on the phone and drive at the same time.

Comment Re:IBM & company (Score 0) 763

But look at the bright side for those 80k jobs our exports to India

currently support tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs in the U.S

. I just can't get over crap like this. Call your ISP and you will find at some point for the major ISP companies you will be sent to India. W/ Earthlink I don't think I ever get someone in America the few times I have called for some weird issue. W/ Time Warner forbid I need anything other than their level 1 support because their level 2 goes straight to India. The bottom line is the only people benefiting from anything that is sent over seas are the corporations. Thankfully my Job hasn't been sent there yet but I see the writing on the walls. I started and we had no offshore group. Now we have some of our calls sent to Costa Rica. I'm just hoping that before my job is eliminated that I find something else. I don't want to be one of the people that needs to train my overseas replacement or that needs to take apart my equipment and box it up so it can be shipped to my replacement.

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Term, holidays, term, holidays, till we leave school, and then work, work, work till we die. -- C.S. Lewis
