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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 4 declined, 0 accepted (4 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - Offshoring May Mean Job Losses are Permanent (

StillNeedMoreCoffee writes: How many of the jobs lost as a result of the economic downturn are gone for good? The answer for U.S. workers is not pleasant, judging from recent reports released by the departments of Labor and Commerce which show that offshoring is on the rise. Over the past six months, 1200 U.S. companies sent enough work overseas that their employees qualified for financial assistance from a special federal program. Meanwhile, U.S.-based multinationals added more than 700 000 employees at their foreign subsidiaries over the past two years while cutting their domestic payrolls by 500 000 workers.

Submission + - Open Source and auditors?

StillNeedMoreCoffee writes: I work in a financial company and I have a project that I just finished that uses some Open Source software. I find out that some security auditors may come up with a finding that they pose a risk. The packages in questions are log4net and HNhiberate. What or where can I find information that would show stability, security and general acceptance of these or Open Source projects (esp. Apache ones) to the CTO and auditors?

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