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Comment criminally insane much? (Score 1) 580

When dealing with a criminally-insane opponent, their threat of 'bombing' movie theaters may be empty & unsubstantiated, but considering that this very threat **was made via Sony corporate network computer screens**, then that means the opponent still has access to Sony's network, and frankly the threat could mean *anything*... more data wiping/sabotage, or something else. Why take the risk over a shitty, low-budget comedy?

Plus, any nutcase with a gun off his meds could shoot up a theater, Aurora'CO-style, and Sony would get sued. So, yeah. If I were Sony I would do the same thing, pissant naysayers be damned.

In other, I'm surprised that the CIO and/or Senior IT Admin staff hasn't been sacked yet.

Comment Consumers not citizens (Score 1) 157

We've been referred to as "Consumers" in a political context on news programs (in the USA) since the early 90s.
That is not new and didn't start with Greenwald.

A two-party system in the USA is *never* going to be representative of the Will of the (300mil+) People here. It never really was, either.
And it won't be as long as anti-intellectualist, pro-emotionalist politics carry the day.

Comment Re:Population (Score 1) 496

"Seattle metropolitan area" is different that "Seattle city limits"

Seattle: "With an estimated 652,405 residents as of 2013, Seattle is the largest city in the Pacific Northwest."

"The Seattle metropolitan area of around 3.6 million inhabitants"... ....which includes the city of Bellevue on the other side of the lake, Everett to the north, Renton the south and several other incorporated cities.

Comment Re:"Getting whiter" (Score 4, Interesting) 496

Wow. Really? Your post is incredibly obtuse.

Well, one issue is that the people who HAVE been living here getting displaced, due to rocketing rents, and being forced to move out of the city.

The other issue, since you obviously don't live in a coastal city, is that when you have a diverse mix of cultures living cheek-by-jowl, you have a very interesting, creative and vigorous culture. Education is improved, understanding is improved, and cuisine is improved - among other things. Port cities with a wide diversity have historically been the loci of learning and tolerance and artistic creativity. You want a peaceful civilization? Encourage lots of different people to live next to each other. You want to encourage intolerance and "racist" violence? Encourage cultural homogeneity.

"Race" doesn't exist, btw. You're talking about cultural background & skin color. There is only one human race.

Comment Re:OTOH (Score 1) 496

Like hell. Who want's to date a bro-grammer with sexist social skills and the self-entitlement of way too much money?
"Ladies" (as you so genteely put it) here in Seattle are already having issues with them, and homophobic violence has increased on the streets.
These Amazon-baited newcomers are not a positive social presence here.

Comment Killing us with rent (Score 2) 496

As a Seattlite, the impact that Amazon is having here is distinctly bad. Rents ARE rising at remarkable rates largely because Amazon has gone from 5,000 to 25,000 employees in the last 5-8 years, and they're being paid so much that they can easily afford $2k for 800sqft.

  If we're to expect *another* 20,000 Ama-workers... then fuck me. Anyone paid less than $100k/year will be forced to the fringes of the city, and traffic with become so bad that we'll have to adopt J.G. Ballard's "Chronopolis" solution, where different workers use different clocks in order to mitigate rush hour (or rather, rush hour just becomes permanent, instead of total gridlock for 2-3 hrs a day).

If Amazon wants that many workers, they should build their own dormitories for them. Lord knows these pale-faced socially-inept "bro-grammers" don't really use their living spaces for anything but re-heating microwave meals and whacking off. o_O

Comment "child" vs "young adult" (Score 2) 274

Let's distinguish between "paedophile" and "hebephile" in our laws, please?
"child" vs "young adult"

Seriously... a 17yo is distinctly NOT a child. 16yolds in other nations can vote on important matters, and until relatively recently, 16yolds could vote, own property, run a business and were in every way considered an adult in the USA.

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