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Comment Re:The Cell is just different (Score 1) 616

Yes, the Cell is powerful, but you fail to consider that graphics are only one part of what goes into a game. AI, sound, user input, and network operations also need to be considered. Given that, in a normal system architecture, a general purpose CPU handles all of that, and sends off instructions to a specialized GPU, the Cell architecture is radically different from what people are used to. That's what makes it hard.

I sincerely doubt that there are many(if any!) developers programming directly to the Cell processor. They're probably programming to Sony's SDK, which is, reportedly, very difficult to work with.


(Useful) Stupid Regex Tricks? 516

careysb writes to mention that in the same vein as '*nix tricks' and 'VIM tricks', it would be nice to see one on regular expressions and the programs that use them. What amazingly cool tricks have people discovered with respect to regular expressions in everyday life as a developer or power user?"

Blizzcon 2008 Wrap-Up 173

This year's Blizzcon saw 15,000 gamers descend from 27 different countries to take part in two days of discussions, tournaments, and sneak peaks at upcoming releases. Several big announcements were scattered among a raft of new details about Diablo 3, Starcraft 2 and Wrath of the Lich King. The new information went a long way toward drumming up interest for what already appear to be worthy successors to old favorites. Read on for more.

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Our business in life is not to succeed but to continue to fail in high spirits. -- Robert Louis Stevenson
